Voltage source vs. current source amplifiers

I’ve been reading a little bit about the different amplifier designs and understand that some power amplifiers operate as a voltage source whereas others are considered current sources. In broad sense, it appears that the amplifiers that increase their power as the load impedance drops - ideally double as the load halves, are voltage sources and the ones that maintain the same power, or close to it, regardless of the load impedance are current sources. Going by the specs, it looks like almost all the tube amplifiers fall in the current source category. I’ve also read that most ESL design speakers such as Martin Logan generally act as a capacitor so a voltage source amplifier would be a better choice. In contrast, magnetic/ribbon design speakers such as Magnepans are resistive so a current source amplifier would be a better option. I guess dynamic speakers fall somewhere in between. Looking in the market, it looks like McIntoch is one of the (very) few companies that is making a current source non-tube amplifier. I’m wondering why a lot of folks find McIntosh very nicely paired with ESLs like Martin Logans. Similarly, Magnepans should pair very well with tube amps.
Just wondering.

Showing 2 responses by almarg

Hi Kalali,

As I had mentioned a theoretically ideal voltage source has an output impedance of zero. A real world amplifier cannot have an output impedance of zero, but what allows any amplifier to act as a good approximation of an ideal voltage source is an output impedance that is close enough to zero to be an essentially negligible fraction of the impedance of the speaker.

As you realize nearly all solid state amplifiers do not have output transformers or output autoformers, and consequently do not have multiple output taps. And their rated maximum power capability into 4 ohms will, in almost all high quality designs, be considerably more than their maximum rated power capability into 8 ohms. But while that fact is an **indication** that the amp will act as a voltage source (when operated within the limits of its maximum voltage, current, power, and thermal capabilities), it is not the **reason** the amp will act as a voltage source. The reason is the amp’s very low effective output impedance.

And the McIntosh solid state amplifiers which have output autoformers have effective output impedances that are low enough to be essentially in solid state territory, as opposed to tube amp territory. While as you realize they do not provide the increase in maximum rated power capability for low impedances that is typical of solid state amps. And as I indicated earlier the reason they don’t is that their maximum power ratings are based on the assumption that an 8 ohm load will be connected to the 8 ohm tap, a 4 ohm load will be connected to the 4 ohm tap, and a 2 ohm load will be connected to the 2 ohm tap (with the taps presumably designed such that the output stage of the amp that is "ahead" of the autoformer will see a load impedance that is the same or very similar in each of those three cases, that apparently being the design philosophy McIntosh has chosen for these amplifiers). But what matters with respect to the voltage source question is how the amp will behave when a load impedance that varies as a function of frequency is connected to **one** of those taps. And that behavior depends on the relation between load impedance and amplifier output impedance, as long as the amp is operated within its capabilities.

Also, as I indicated the higher the amp’s damping factor is the lower its effective output impedance will be. The specs you cited for your amp indicate a somewhat lower damping factor for the 8 and 4 ohm taps than I’ve seen for most solid state McIntosh amps that have output autoformers (which as I indicated are usually spec’d at ">40"). But even in the case of your amp’s 8 ohm specified damping factor of only 16, that corresponds to an output impedance of 8/16 = 0.5 ohms. Which is lower than the output impedance of the great majority of high quality tube amps, and is only slightly higher than the output impedance of many solid state amps, and is a small fraction of the impedance of an 8 ohm speaker.

Ergo, while your amp does not approximate a pure voltage source quite as closely as most other solid state amps, or quite as closely as some other McIntosh amps which incorporate autoformers, it still comes pretty close. And as I said, no amplifier can act as a theoretically perfect voltage source. All a real world amplifier can do is to closely approximate one.

-- Al

Regarding the McIntosh solid state amps that have identical maximum power ratings into 8, 4, and 2 ohms, paradoxically they are best considered to be voltage source amps. They are a special case among solid state amps due to their use of autoformers at their outputs. Their max power ratings reflect the assumption that an 8 ohm load will be connected to the 8 ohm tap of the autoformer, and a 4 ohm load will be connected to the 4 ohm tap, and a 2 ohm load will be connected to the 2 ohm tap. However, for a given tap the current and power delivered will increase essentially in proportion to a decrease in load impedance, with voltage being held essentially constant, as long as the current drawn and the power delivered do not exceed the maximum capability of that tap into that impedance. Although the amp’s **maximum** current and **maximum** power capability into a 4 ohm load that is connected to the 8 ohm tap will presumably be less than if that 4 ohm load were connected to the 4 ohm tap. Likewise for a 2 ohm load connected to the 4 ohm tap vs. the 2 ohm tap.

All of that can be seen based on the amp’s specified damping factor, which is ">40" for most or all of the solid state McIntosh designs which utilize output autoformers. A damping factor of 40 corresponds to an effective output impedance of approximately 8/40 = 0.2 ohms for the 8 ohm tap, and 4/40 = 0.1 ohms for the 4 ohm tap, and 2/40 = 0.05 ohms for the 2 ohm tap. Those numbers are low enough to essentially result in voltage source behavior. (A theoretically ideal voltage source has an output impedance of zero). While most tube amps have damping factors that are in single digits, and not much more than that in most other cases, corresponding to effective output impedances that are measured in ohms, not fractions of ohms.

Regarding Martin-Logan speakers, Ralph (Atmasphere) has stated in past threads that many of them have been designed with solid state amplification (having low effective output impedance) specifically in mind. Most other electrostatics, certainly including (among many others) the classic Quad ESL-57 that was designed before solid state amplification existed, are considered by most (although not all) audiophiles to be best suited to tube amplification, that will come closer to providing at least a rough approximation of constant power delivery into the speaker’s varying load impedance than to providing constant voltage. See his paper on the subject here.

-- Al