Voltage change for CEC TL-2X / Classe CAP-2100

Hi all,

Greetings to everyone!

I have a CEC TL-2x (circa 1998) and a Classe CAP-2100 that I bought used here on A’gon. However, I have since moved back to India from NJ. I do have voltage converters but honestly they are cumbersome and take up a lot of space.

It looks like both the CEC and the Classe have a simple voltage selection mechanism - was wondering if anyone had converted either one to a different voltage. Attaching pics below. They are both on 120V right now, am looking to use them with 220V / 230V.


Appreciate any advice on this! 



Just an update: CEC TL-2x voltage change done by switching the jumper plug to the 230V pins and its working great. The CAP-2100 I couldn't change over the voltage.