Volent Paragon VL-2 or Monitor Audio Platinum?

Anybody heard both of these? I'm playing with an idea of getting second pair of speakers that specialize in very focused, 3 dimensional presentation but with a fairly large soundstage too for mostly a low level night listening. I've heard both of these have a tremendous treble and detail that warrants matching equipment. I understand Volent monitor has bass extension that would surpass MA PL 100 so the comparison would be probably with PL200 or perhaps even PL300.
Anyway, any impressions are very welcome.

Showing 4 responses by jmbatkh

I own the Volent, but haven't heard the MA Platinum (owned the Gold 10 once).
Your spec "very focused, 3 dimensional presentation" fit the VL-2 to a T, but they do 2 other things extraordinarily well. One is the depth and power of the bass. No other small speaker comes close, IMO. Deep, but tight and focused, without any obfuscation at all.
Second, the transparency and transmission of depth and ambient information is as good as I've ever heard, and embarasses most high end speakers, regardless of price or size. And the top end - very extended and detailed, but very smooth. I've found amp matching to be less of a problem than most speakers. That ribbon extends down to 1900 hz., so it handles the upper mids too. The overall sound is very see-into, but sweet and easy at the same time. I'm a dyed in the wool trader, but I can't imagine ever giving these up. To me, they redefine what a small speaker can do.
And BTW, I uses them in my office system, often played quietly late at night. Magical!
My perceptive wife agrees- she has put me on notice that if I'm planning to leave or die, I need to set these up for her first, ahead of any other speakers I've ever owned.
24" stands are best for most sitting positions. The best sound is with the ear level at the tweeter level to 4" above, depending partially on distance, of course. The tweeter is about 12" above the bottom of the speaker. As always with stands, the more rigid the better.
There is one area that the VL-2 takes a back seat to multiway floorstanders, and that is the size of the image. In my room it is notably smaller than my 4' tall 9 driver main speakers. That said, the sound is a bit more precise within that image. I've noted a couple of A-gon sellers of these are moving to the Volent floorstanders. I suspect that is to achieve a "larger" picture with similar qualities.
One more are that is worth noting- about the only deviation from accuracy is a bit of a dip in output in the mid-treble range. It does add sweetness, and makes the speaker more forgiving than many "hi-rez" speakers, but it takes a bit of the body from cymbals, etc. It is by no means a problem for me, but is does form part of the character of the speaker.
Most people, including me, probably won't be bothered by it. When I turn them on, the sound is so captivating and immersive that nothing else gets in the way. For me, that's the grail.
I own them and normally use them in my 12x16 office, in a bookshelf! I have stuffed the ports, which reduces the bass. It is still slightly too strong, but I live with it quite happily, as the other qualities are so wonderful. Strangely, in my open 16x20 living room, away from walls, the bass is stronger yet. In the nearfield they offer about the best sound I've ever heard. Others that have heard them in my office haven't been bothered by too much bass either.
I think the German article was referring to their ultimate loudness capability, which is more than adequate for most listeners, but not headbangers or loud parties in large rooms. I listen to a lot of music, including hard rock, and I don't think they favor anything. They don't highlight problems, and are always "musical" at all volume levels, and are extremely focused.
Unfortunately, as always, only setting them up in your room will ultimately tell the tale.
The upper bass in my systems is definitely on the rich side, as opposed to lean and dry. For me, it adds to the overall sweetness and listenability. The remarkable thing is that the extra lower mid/upper bass body is not purchased by obfuscation, slowness or loss of detail in that range, which is the real surprise for me. It is one of their many remarkable qualities.