Has anyone heard these speakers? Are there any owners who would like to comment.How do they compare to other high end speakers (Revel, B&W, Wilson, YG etc.)? What do you like about Vivid. Any poblems or complaints? What amps, pre-amps, cables, front end are you using with Vivid?

I have owned Kaya 90 for over a year now, and frankly speaking they are among the best speakers I have heard. I had Stenheim2 before, dynamic,fast and a little lean to me, and Kharma Exquisite midi is romantic and sublime. KAYA is between them, not too lean or too romantic. I have heard Wilson Audio Alexia several times and honestly do not like them, neither Magico S3. The only American speakers I like is Rockport

Supermerio, I have to wonder if you’re hearing room coloration? I haven’t heard vivid speakers as my budget doesn’t allow, but reviews from pros and owners are all quite positive with the only thing being price and lack of deep bass.


If i have to compare wilson sasha 2 vs vivid giya g3; sasha 2

Has that blacker bacground quality due to it’s more inert

cabinet but it does not dissapear like the giya g3. I attribute 

giya g3 having a higher noise floor due to this  cabinet colloration

brought about it’s lack of inertness, cabinet vibration/movement

that i can definitely hear.