Viva Solistino Amp

Viva Solistino amp?

I am considering purchasing the above amp.

I have poured over previous Viva threads, which mostly cover its big brother. And so far all are positive regarding the performance of these amps. The dealer that I’m working with says the Solistino now share the same transformers as the Solista and has “…closed a fair gap between them…” The difference in price between these two amps is $ 4500.00 dollars and I cant justify this spread.

I would be interested in any comments from current owners and their experience with Viva would be appreciated.

My speakers are from Daedalus audio “Argos” which are rated 97dB efficient. There is nothing wrong with my current tube PA +SS amp by Modwright. But now I'm  curious about the tube experience. My system is listed on the system page.

I know that Viva does not encourage tube rolling, not sure that’s a big deal as of now. And that this amp does run hot.

 Other amps I have considered is the MasterSound Compact 845 and the Ayon Crossfire. Both are less than the price of admission of the Viva.


Showing 6 responses by maxboy00

Much thanks for your replies, as far as tube rolling goes this is from the dealer

"We Viva dealers and Viva discourage tube rolling because some of the "NOS" (new old stock) tubes can't take the voltages or current that these amplifiers require from them. Spending lots of money on exotic tubes would be fine if you were buying a Pentode/Triode mode amp because they generally use multiple output tubes so as not to over work them. They don't run "as hot" but they still throw heat... you're burning tubes here".

My take on this is that some NOS tubes can cause the amp to underperform and or damage the amp.

I'm sure the stock tubes are fine and are matched to perform well with Viva amp....Although I would like the option to roll if I wanted,   I don't know if I would or not. It was a few years before I changed the tubes in my PA. 

The LM amps are very fine amps, but my reason not moving to them are very petty....

Pulled the trigger on the Solistino amp, ordered thru Black Bird audio. Dan was a pleasure to deal with.
Thanks all for the very kind replies.

It will take a couple of months to get the amp in - house, due to the build time and where my order is in the que. 

@ Chayro, Both the Solista and Solistino have the same transformers that are standard and the volume control is also standard. The Solista is over 15k and I couldn't justify the difference in cost. But I get your point. 

@ Charles 1dad...Thanks for your comments, I appreciate reading your posts on tube gear...very helpful.
Yes the D input is a direct connection for a preamp and S is for the sub should be self explanatory, but with no info from the OEM, it was trial and error. 
Well the Viva is still front and center in my system. I am still using the stock tubes that came with the amp, but I plan on replacing them early next year.

The Viva mates very well with my Daedalus speakers, in its ability to drive them. The speakers sound good at low level listing and when I turn it up, but ….the volume is rarely is past the 9 o clock position. I particular like the fine imaging and rich sound stage which is very evident when listing, so far I have not experienced any compression or lack of head room. I also upgraded my DAC which has not hurt anything, to me, all my core components have good synergy.

No fan of subs in two channel, but I added a pair a few months ago…..thanks to A-gon forum, and this is where… the only thing that I don’t like about Viva…their web site has no information on any spec with their products, and their OM is just as poor. Aside from four line inputs, there an input labeled ‘D’ and ‘S’ with the sub connected to either the line or ‘D’ the subs were okay but the speakers were flat and lifeless. I moved it to the ‘S’ port and bam, the main speakers came back to life. On the plus side my dealer has been great, I have contacted him several times post purchased, including, the rear inputs on the amp, and he has been very responsive and provided detail information and explained what the rear inputs are designed for.


Again thank you for your kind reply and your spot on advice. As I originally stated, I had read many of your tube related posts and respect your insight.....


Thanks, I appreciate your coments. Yes my Viva is a keeper.

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