Virtual Dynamics vs Tesla

Has anyone experience with both VD and SR cables? I'd like to know how these brands compare, especially the Revelation and Genesis line of VD against the SR Tesla Acoustic Reference through Apex (interconnects, speaker cables and/or power cables). I have Genesis IC and I like it soundwise but it's very hard to manage. Also very expensive to cable a system with all Genesis. Thanks!!
We all are spending way too much on cables and with designers always coming up with newer models supposibly better than the old, we are just suckers within their game. Theres always a new flavour of the month and everyone's system/ taste in sound differs so much.
A old audiophile friend told me once that if a hardwear component is designed correctly, it eliminates the real needs for exoctic fancy cables to untimately alter or change it's original sound. Just my opinion but I'm also one of those suckers :)
I had an all VD system, consisting mostly of Genesis ICs and PCs with Rev speaker bi-wire cables. I found the VD cables to produce a lot of energy, but unable to resolve innermost details in a meaningful way. I kept getting the feeling something was missing, and I even discussed this with Ric, who I consider a friend.

After demoing a number of cables, including Stealth, I found what I was looking for in the SR cables. I went to an all Tesla SR system, including the Powercell 10-SE. I now have the resolution and imaging I was missing, with a more organic, musical and life-like presentation than I ever had before. I also don't have binding posts in danger of snapping off due to cable weight. You can see my system under Fplanner2000.

The SR cables have definitely taken my system up a few levels from where it was before. Yes, cables do make a difference, but the only way to tell is to try them in your system. I fortunately had a very good dealer that made my experimentation a lot easier than it might otherwise have been. Good luck.
Fplanner, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. I have this feeling that something is missing in my system and I think this is probably cable related.

I can't demo many cables where I live. I had the opportunity to listen to the Tesla Precision Ref SC recently and I liked it very much. That audition drawn my attention to SR cables. Very musical and life-like like you said.

I'm moving out to a new apartment now and the system is disassembled. When I get everything in place, I plan to order some Tesla cables and report my findings. I'm also gonna put my system description here with pictures.
the differences you mentioned from the Genesis level has improved with incredible inner detail with the new Ultra-clear.In fact the difference is 4-6 times as much in resolution and info.At no time is the Ultra-clear strained dynamically or compressed in anyway !!I am running a complete Genesis system with 2 Exodus p/c on my source components ( Exodus raises the bar in openness and resolution of space).The Ultra-clear is a bargain when you compare it to Genesis or any other high end cable, as far as cost is concerned.Even the cheaper version of the Ultra-clear beat my Genesis XLR ( technology does move forward).Highly recommended_Cheers Dennis
Hi Dennis-
It doesn't surprise me at all that Rick went in this direction. When I switched away from VD cabling he mentioned he was germinating some new ideas to improve in the areas I thought were lacking. From your report, it sounds like he has succeeded with these improvements, and at a reasonable cost to boot! Good for him and for you VD owners.

I am quite happy where I am for now - actually a bit beyond that as I am currently breaking in a new APL-NWO Super-DAC prototype w/20 32-bit 2nd generation AKM DAC chips, tube output stage, etc., etc. I just got it yesterday and I'm just smiling......