Virtual Dynamics vs Tesla

Has anyone experience with both VD and SR cables? I'd like to know how these brands compare, especially the Revelation and Genesis line of VD against the SR Tesla Acoustic Reference through Apex (interconnects, speaker cables and/or power cables). I have Genesis IC and I like it soundwise but it's very hard to manage. Also very expensive to cable a system with all Genesis. Thanks!!

Showing 1 response by cenline

the differences you mentioned from the Genesis level has improved with incredible inner detail with the new Ultra-clear.In fact the difference is 4-6 times as much in resolution and info.At no time is the Ultra-clear strained dynamically or compressed in anyway !!I am running a complete Genesis system with 2 Exodus p/c on my source components ( Exodus raises the bar in openness and resolution of space).The Ultra-clear is a bargain when you compare it to Genesis or any other high end cable, as far as cost is concerned.Even the cheaper version of the Ultra-clear beat my Genesis XLR ( technology does move forward).Highly recommended_Cheers Dennis