Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz

I was born to the world of cassette tapes and soon digital music. My only experience with Vinyl was the one rather audition I had recently. It wasn't feasible at the time for us to try a blind fold A/B test. So my question for anyone has experienced both, is that is it worth it to buy a turntable? 

The entry level ones are not really expensive compared to the gears I currently have. However, it's my habit to not keep things that I would not use. That includes thing that is a hassle to use or requires a lot of maintenance. The shop owner where I auditioned a Rega turntable kind of insinuated it falls into both of the aforementioned categories. For instance, the Vinyl doesn't hold many songs so swapping is pretty much a necessity. Upon some research, I also found that vinyl albums recently issued are likely produced from a digital master anyway, some are even just slightly above CD Quality. I have a large library of songs from HDTracks that are at least 24bit / 48khz and honestly I cannot tell a difference once they hit 24 bit / 96khz. 

With the above said, what's so great about Vinyl in your view? Thanks for the feedback. 

Showing 7 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @millercarbon: My reference to you was because you posted inside the superiority of the LP alternative against the digital one but with no single fact that proves your take and certainly your last post has nothing to say about that LP superiority.

Dear @bdp24  : So what?, that's no fact that the LP is superior to the digital alternative. Only histories/tales that means nothing on that specific regards and that proves nothing.

Please don't make the same mistake that millercarbon and thousands of LP lovers. This is not about what you or me like it more but facts that can tell us which is superior and till today no one of you posted any single true fact that proves the LP superiority and you know what: no one can prove it because that technology is really limited against the all days growing up digital technology/alternative.

Have you common sense or not even know what means common sense?

A market " trend " can't shows that LP superiority to you or any one: are only sales.

Come on I know you are not stupid to follow supporting " histories ", you are much better than that: or not?.

Let the other people whom posting about are only showing its very low knowledge levels.

Not because some one thosands of times repeat to him self : I'm living in Venus planet he is really in true living in Venus. No, he lives in the Earth planet ! ! ! ? ?


Dear @millercarbon : Tales/histories as the one you posted are for thousands but are only tales with no single fact that can tell us the LP superioerity against the " thrash/noise developer " name it CD's.

To whom try you to deceive only because you can't understand facts?, you can follow spreading your tales but that is useless against facts and if you follow posting here and there those tales ( as other persons that do it too. )  that just does not change the reality, no matter what.

You can't tell/impede to a " baby "  that stays slepping in the nigth only because for you the sun ( in the nigth. ) is already shinny and is a day and not nigth as your wife and baby think because are slepping both but you.
You can't change facts/reality only repeating those tales: a tale/history does not change the facts, it's only a tale coming from some one that like you just can't understand and are sticky heavy sticky to the no-sense world, like a zombi.
Are you an audio zombie? because at least it's the way you look on this specific regards.

Dear @angelgz2  : I like analog and I like digital but I try to not be " stupid " about the digital alternative or been sticky with analog to end of the times. And I'm not stupid because first than all I'm a music lover as you are.

The arguments that post and posted the " irreversible " analog persons are just opinions with no solid facts/foundation true facts..

Speak about aliasing in digital as if today been the 70's when we are living in 2019 and through very advanced aliasing filters that digital problem just disappeared years ago.

In other threads where some of the same persons that posted here posted " there " I posted ( several times with facts fron scientific source. ) that all human beens listen sound through our ears/brain at the inner ear where the SPL waves pass through an inner ear ADC, yes we listen in the digital domain not analog.

If we convert in bits the analog information in a LP it goes only to: 122-14 bits, never approaces 16bits as CD's.

A often " problem with digital information is exactly that:  The format is a two-channel 16-bit PCM encoding at a 44.1khz ( sampling rate: 22.05khz. ):

analog advocates say frequency response in CD is limited against LP that can goes say: 40khz or whatever.
But that fact is useless for support LP superiority over digital alternative because over that high frequency range exist no single fundamental music NOTES but only harmonics that are a seria certain development that it's easy covered inside the oversampling proccess that can give the CD a more true extended high frequency range and that's at 16bits but today DAC's comes with 32/768 technology ! ! a native not 32 bits but 24/96 or 192 outperforms totally any analog alternative, no matters what.

But exist a major disadvantage with the analog LP recordings and is that even that the recording microphones pick up the signal in stereo way down to the lowest bass  frequency range things are that for LP limitations and during the LP cutting proccess that bass range stereo signal is converted to mono fashion and obviously along its harmonics that are the ones that affects all the whole frequency range and the main harmonics for a pristine quality performance.
In the digital domain that just does not happens because what we have in the CD's is what the recording microphones pick up: everything including harmonics in STEREO fashion as must be always.

There are a lot of facts against analog and in favor of digital but is useless to say about when people just don't understand the reality they and us are living with.

The main issue/subject is not whom has the reason or whom wins the subject is to understand all those facts true facts I posted here and if I'm wrong ( because I can be wrong. ) I invite any one to post why I'm wrong with facts to prove it.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Dear @millercarbon :: """  Vinyl is so much better than digital its silly to even talk about, as that can't be done without assuming they are comparable, when they aren't. One is music, the other noise. A whole lot of people miss this, because the noise of vinyl is so obvious. The noise with digital is woven right into the signal. With digital its silly even to talk about signal to noise ratio. With digital the signal IS the noise!  """

what's silly is try to ridicule digital alternative with your riculous statements because things are that all can be or can be changed the other way around for any one but a silly person.

Where are your facts or the foundations for what you posted other that: "" that's what I like it ""

At least try to post something that can be " coherent ". MUSIC is some kind of " noise " too.

Dear @angelgz2  : """  I wouldn't know what I've missed. """

in true and with today HR that digital alternative already achieved and still growing up about you missed nothing at all, only a different experience.

When I said " nothing at all " I'm talking that nothing " superior " to today digital mediums.

The nearer to today digital medium you can compare through analog is with the Direct 2 Disc LP recordings .
Dear @angelgz2 : That's the best way to go for you.

Btw, @schubert :  "  If you like acoustic music vinyl is better... ""

that was true in the past but today digital is superior alternative no matters what and remember that the human beens listen not in analog way but digital due that at our inner ears ( that's where we " hera " any sound. ) exist an ADC.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,