Showing 4 responses by unreceivedogma

This guy is sort of lame if you ask me. He thinks he is clever with that opening which he is not, and he thinks he knows a lot and he does not. 
Lalitk, I happen to have a few LPs among my thousands that are actually stone cold quiet. 

Imo, digital solid state sounds flat. Vinyl tube sounds dimensional.
I can’t say that I would go this far, but someone once told me that listening to vinyl is akin to making the bed and lighting the scented candle before you make love, and digital is more akin to a quickie in a back alley. 


No point in giving you those titles. In each case, I have (had) multiple pressings, and the others don’t sound stone quiet.

In other words: sheer luck. Maybe you could go and pay $600 to that dude who does his “super duper stamper” thing and have him find one for you?

But for kicks, the Led Zeppelin IV remaster is one of them.


I am quite aware that I made a general statement. Over 52 years of listening to hundreds of systems, my (my) ears have found that to be generally true, regardless of components up or downstream, excepting the room component which can wreak havoc with otherwise best laid plans as you are undoubtedly aware.