Vintage Wharfdale speakers?

My neighbor is selling out and moving into a retirement condo. He has offered me his old Wharfdale speakers and probably may be hurt if I don't just jump on them. I really don't have time or space to mess with them. I remember being unimpressed as a teen by these type of Wharfdales, but never have heard his pair. They may even be broken or need cone work. He is a bit deaf. Anyone here know much about these things? Not sure of the model, but they are the old sand filled cabinets with heavy grill cloth and ornate lattice like wood. Classic Wharfdales to my mind. Floor standers, but not tall, just chunky like an end table, or lamp table. For all I know they might have desirable alnico drivers and be highly efficient, not sure what to expect. Worth anything? Boat anchors? Not that I would take them just to turn a profit, but I may lose interest after a while and need to pass them on. Will my 15 watt tube mono's have any chance here? They are pretty tuff and perceptively powerfull. Any info about these would be appreciated, Thanks so much.

Showing 1 response by tkmetz

If he is offering them for free and he will be hurt if you don't accept them, then, by all means, accept them and toss them after he moves.....if this is practical.

I work in a retirement community with all levels of care. Downsizing is really tough for anyone, but especially seniors. The mental toll is probably harder than the physical toll. If he is comforted that a) he is giving you something important to him and b) he can check them off of his moving/worry list, then you will be helping him a great deal.

Now, if you will be running into him often and he will be inquiring about them, and how great they are(were) and you will have to lie....that will be tough.

Good Luck.