Vintage turntable running fast, any ideas?

I got a Pioneer Pl-12 turntable from a friend who had it stored away for years. I cleaned it up but have found that some voices have a higher pitch compared to the CD version. I tried the free strobe disks and they verified my fears about the platter turning (I assume) too fast. I also measured similar songs from CDs and albums, and the albums always finish sooner. From some rough time estimates, the turntable is running about 3% too fast.

Looking from the bottom side up on the turntable, there are no adjustments and very little electronics at all. The only electronics are: the motor with a few wires running to it; an enclosed switch to select 115/230 voltable, and a somewhat large capacitor (I think). The "capacitor" has a rating of 0.1 uF and some serial numbers.

I suspect the "capacitor" is old or burnt or whatever. I doubt the voltage switch is the prolem, nor the motor, but who knows?

Any ideas? I have a voltage meter so I can measure the usual volts, ohms, or ampere, but I don't have an oscilloscope to measure frequency.

Thanks for any ideas,
If your platter turns with the constant speed all you can do is to place arround the platter pulley rubberband making the diameter larger so decreasing the rotations of the platter. Try to "dress" different rubber bands so to get the most precise rotations measured with the strobe disk.

The other question is what is more reasonable to buy the strobe disk or another PL12?
You better hurry up and catch it but if you wait for a while it will slow down the older it gets
There is an arm that moves the belt between two different diameters on the pulley. My theory was if it was getting in the way, it would slow down the turntable. Right now, it doesn't look like it affects the belt much.

If I want to physically change the dimensions of the turntable, I have two choices. Make the platter larger or the pulley smaller. Since the pulley is so much smaller, I probably sand it down.

What's weird to me is that the thing runs fast. I didn't expect to run into an old turntable with a hot to trot motor. I'll make sure is has lots of oil and let it run for a day or two. Maybe that will cool its heels.
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Could it be that one of your parts is a wrong-size replacement that got put in sometime a long time ago? It sounds like the pulley could be a too-big replacement. Or, the belt (which would have been the first thing to wear out and be replaced) could be too fat, making it not fit snugly into the "V" of the pulley, hence to rotate around a slightly larger circle than it should. Good luck.