Older thread, but the DA amps came in three sizes- the 7 (70 or 75 WPC), the 10 (100 WPC), and the 15 (150 WPC). I have 2 completely rebuilt 15’s, 2 rebuilt 10’s, and a rebuilt 7. I also have several tuners and preamps and meters. These are good pieces. Today I believe they would sell in the multi thousands. I always liked the look and picked them up when reasonable. I still use one in my office daily. The modular design is also very cool. They had a vertical turntable as well. Would probably buy a cassette from this era if cheap enough just to complete. The speakers occasionally come up on eBay.
The f20 tuner is often considered as one of the best analog tuners ever built.
The f20 tuner is often considered as one of the best analog tuners ever built.