Vintage Krell

Recently I asked one of the very most informed Krell individuals on the planet which vintage Krell amp would he personally buy. Out of a universe of potential candidates he picked the KSA 200s. Do any of you members own or have owned this unit? I will say that in those days no expense was spared on the metalwork. The damn thing today would cost 3 times it’s original price. Any Krell guys out there with hands(ears) knowledge of this unit?

Showing 1 response by jsd52756

I bought one used quite a while back. The amp ran & worked great for a year, then fried. I sent it to Krell for repair. Worked for 3-4 weeks then fried. Sent back to Krell & they repaired for free. When it was returned FedX must have kicked it off the back of a truck. The whole inside broke loose. I told Krell my sob story & they offered to sell me a FPB300cx at dealer cost. I swooped the 300 up and have had zero issues for say a dozen years or so. Sound wise? Can’t say I could tell any difference, they are both bad a-- pieces of equipment. Both are built like Sherman tanks. I would never buy one that I had to have shipped. Even new.
I hope it helps, John