Vintage KEF vs new Salk

Hi all,
I recently started a thread asking if posters think I could do better with modern speakers vs my KEF Reference 3.2s. Unfortunately, my speakers need refurbishing to sound the way they should, so now my follow-up question is: am I better off sinking  bucks into what I have, perhaps upgrading some elements, or should I get one of the Salks I've been looking at? I just emailed Jim Salk to ask about the silk tower, song3 encore, and Veracity 2 and ST, so I'm sure I'll get useful info about my options there, based on the details of my room and such.
I don't have the urge to repeat all the info I provided in my earlier thread about my other equipment, what I listen to, etc. Perhaps someone could simply speak generally about how the two options might sound relative to one another in any room, as well as the likely cost of a non-DIY KEF fix-up.

Showing 10 responses by m669326

Could I self-diagnose my speaker's problem and just bring the crossovers or whatever for replacement? That's an even scarier notion.
Thanks once more.
 I take it you're not familiar with the ATC SCM 40 v2?
The seller just came down $500 this morning - an interesting coincidence. I'm leaning toward these right now. I just started a thread to compare them with Song3 Encores. Any thoughts?
Where did you see used Salks? I looked and didn't find any that would work for me.
Thanks, Bubba. I appreciate the feedback about the Salks. Everything about that outfit appeals to me, even though I haven't heard the speakers themselves.

Yes, b_Limo, I'm the woefully inadequate DAC guy. I'm looking into that too, but for some reason speakers fascinate me and DACs are simply functional to me.

The tweeters have fluid, which someone must've cleaned and refilled by now, I'm thinking. Unfortunately, I didn't get these new and I don't know their history. 

The KEFs are a handful - 80 lbs each , we live in a home you have to navigate steps and ramps to get to, and I'm old(ish), so a commitment to bringing them in somewhere for refurbishment isn't something I'd take lightly. For that matter, I'm not confident I could find a craftsman I trust to make good decisions based on their evaluation. It would be like someone who's ridden a bicycle all his life going into a car dealership - (intimidating). And I'd need to end up with a guarantee of ending up with something substantially better than what I've got now to make that worthwhile. The pretty cabinets and sentimental aspects don't move me (but they're nice).

It seems (today) as though Salks are more of a sure thing, and would be the odds on favorite to sound the best as well. I like a clear, open sound with tighter bass than I've got. At first, the well-mannered English sound suited me. Now, not as much.

On the other hand, yesterday I was satisfied with the KEFs and closed all the audio-oriented tabs on my browser. Tomorrow, who knows?

I seem to be skewing my posts toward trolling for support around whichever end of this I'm currently dwelling in. Interesting.


Thanks. When a range of mid to high frequencies are played by piano, classical guitar, choral groups, the left speaker gets fuzzy. To my inexpert ears, it sounds like the cones are damaged in some minor way, but my reading (and you) suggest otherwise. Anyway, that's the kind of sound it is, however it's being produced. When I touch the woofer cones, the fuzz doesn't stop, but my ears think it's in their range. I understand I shouldn't be touching the tweeter.
 My guess is that the bass used to be better as well since it isn't tight or well-defined, but this could be a placement/room issue, or perhaps the intersection of my ears with the KEF signature sound.
Other than these two elements, I love my speakers. But piano shows up in all kinds of music, doesn't it?
I did come into some money and I could upgrade, but if Salks represent a lateral move into an uncharted  signature sound, then they wouldn't make sense.
Someone suggested I look at a set of ATC SCM 40 mk 2s that are for sale for about 4 K. Do you know these? My reading online suggests they are something special and the sealed sound might work well in my difficult room. Any thoughts?
I really appreciate your help. I'm in over my head here, which means I'm relying on posters like you.
P.S. - When I look at the speakers, I see a way to open the front, but it looks like only the section behind the posts in the back come off. I'm such a rank DIYer that I don't even know how to get to anything in there. I presume the tutorial and others you mention assume I'm as ignorant as I am and tell me things like that? Also, should I do the same things to both speakers?