Vintage automatic turntable recommendations?

Hey guys-
I have a Rega RP1 and it is fine and all, but I would listen to more vinyl if I had an automatic turntable. I know that is sacrilegious in the hi-fi community, but who cares. Does anyone have any favorite vintage automatic turntables? I was checking out the Sansui XR-Q7 and it sounds like a good option...
Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by nkonor

I would refer you to the thread “Best Tonearm Lifter”

There are plenty of recommendations you can look at on You Tube.

 I chose the Tru-lift. I have highly recommended it after using it on my LP12 and soon to be adding it to my Kuzma “pipe bomb”

It is a little Spendy but is well bullt and works perfectly. No effect on SQ that I can hear. Has increased my enjoyment of my vinyl.

 I just get lost in the Music and if distracted by something. The Tru-lift does its job.