Vintage amplifier specifications

I've noticed when I read vintage amplifier specifications, and by vintage I mean 70's,80's maybe 90's, I do not see power output specified at 4 ohms. Did those older amplifiers not do well on 4 ohm speakers so leave that information out or was it not considered a a matter of interest to the buying public. Maybe something else?


Showing 2 responses by unsound

Many amps from the 80’s were rated not only into 4 Ohms but sometimes onto 2 Ohms as well. Big iron from Classe’, Krell, Levinson, Rowland, Threshold, etc.. Some even had more rated into lower impedances then than later on.

There were speakers of this era that really needed amps capable of delivering into low impedances, such as Apogee, Infinity, Thiel, etc..