Views on Acoustic Signature Tables

I am looking at one of these TT's. Probably one of the higher level models like in the Thunder to Ascona range. I like high mass designs and Gunther seams to make a well engineered table with decent value for the high end. Anyone have any a reason to stay away??

Showing 2 responses by photon46

My Final Tool has been rock solid reliable for the many years I've had it and the factory supplied excellent support when I purchased an upgraded motor. I'm only aware of one Audiogon thread mentioning poor customer support (back in 2008.) That's fewer negative comments than are seen here on some other well known turntable manufacturers. If the desire to upgrade strikes, I'd buy another Acoustic Signature with no hesitation.
I would imagine all turntable manufacturers sell relatively few of their highest end models compared to their entry level products. Across the range of all audio products, I've noticed those who purchase the most expensive products tend not to discuss their purchases in forums so much as those of us with lesser financial means. As to whether there would be differences in reliability between lower end and higher end models, metal Acoustic Signature tables follow pretty much the same engineering design principles. More money gets you more metal and mass, more platter silencer technology, more vibration damping, etc. The only variation in electronics is that the Thunder and Ascona have the Alpha-DIG motor power supply and the lower end models use the Alpha-S power supply.