Vienna Signature Series?

What exactly is the "signature series" from vienna. I absolutely love my haydns, but I can't bear the thought that there may be a signature version out there that is even better than these. Could somebody please shed some light on this one for me.
my rep confirmed that the signature series is only available in europe, and that they include the scanseak tweeter and better crossover network that are common to the mozarts and up. he also said that the entire line, including the hadyns would be getting some "enhancements" this year so keep an eye out for some new viennas. thanks guys.
I work for a Sumiko (veinna distributor) dealer, and I have emailed my rep with this question. I'll post his reply as soon as I recieve it.
I owned a pair of Haydn Signatures. They are as Cmach claims, availible in Europe, or through a Europeon dealer. I beleive the list price was $200 more, the difference being the internal wiring and the tweeters. They used the 'better' tweeter that was availible from the Mozart up, not the Tweeter in the standard Bachs or Haydns. I can't attest to them sounding any better than the regular Haydn's, since I never heard them in my system. I actually only used the Signature Haydns as rear surround speakers. They performed that task quite well. I hope this was somewhat helpful. Maybe you could e-mail VA and/or Sumiko with this question.

If my memory serves me correct, the Signature series
was/is avialable only in Europe. This was some time
ago though. Not sure if you can buy a new signature
series now. A few might have landed in the US but that would be through grey market only.

Also I think they many of the "Signature" improvements
have been included the latest Haydns. Great little speaker
by the way. Hope this helps

This is what a web search turned up after using a translator from Russion to English. This should make it perfectly clear.

"3x we listened to Viyenna Of achoustichs to signature, truth for 1200 what that, with the transparent diffuser (polochniki). give god this sound to all columns to 500:)))))))"

I know I learned something. I hope you did too.
Wow, where did you hear about this? I've got 4 bachs and was thinking of going Beethoven, Strauss or Mahler, but not before I hear these. Are they on the website?