Vienna Liszt vs. Focal Sopra No2

Hi Guys!
Still looking for the ultimate speaker. My current speaker a very coherent, magical, but too polite Avalon Ascendant. I have to say, I prefer a bit of a warmth and softness, over ultra clear, razor sharp analytical sound.
Someone compared the Vienna Liszt of the Focal Sopra No.2 ? They are my short list. Unfortunately, my room is slightly small (16*10), it may be neither is my way.
Any thoughts, experiences on these speakers or possible alternatives? Thank you in advance.

Showing 1 response by goose

arboc, I have owned the Avalon Ascendants and know what you mean about it being too polite.  There is a certain "sameness" to the sound and the dynamics including the bass are somewhat lacking.  It has some really nice imaging and midrange.  I listened to probably 17 different speakers before I bought the Vienna Acoustics Liszt.   The Focal Sopra was just about to come out but I didn't hear that model, but heard some other Focals.   

I just seemed to connect with the Liszt on an emotional level better than all the other speakers I heard.  I also discovered that the tweeter design or incorporation became a real deal breaker on a lot of the speakers.  Many were too etched, or razor like.  The other area that became an area of focus was the bass and overall dynamics and integration.  Some failed at bass presentation by being somewhat flabby or diffuse. 

If you want a speaker that has a treble like a Wilson or to a lesser extent Magico, this wouldn't be a speaker for you.  It would be worth an audition if you liked the Avalon and want better dynamics and bass but like the overall tonality of the Ascendants.  Just my two cents.