Vienna Liszt vs. Focal Sopra No2

Hi Guys!
Still looking for the ultimate speaker. My current speaker a very coherent, magical, but too polite Avalon Ascendant. I have to say, I prefer a bit of a warmth and softness, over ultra clear, razor sharp analytical sound.
Someone compared the Vienna Liszt of the Focal Sopra No.2 ? They are my short list. Unfortunately, my room is slightly small (16*10), it may be neither is my way.
Any thoughts, experiences on these speakers or possible alternatives? Thank you in advance.

Showing 1 response by ejr1953

I have had my Sopra No2's now for five months and am smitten.

Having said that, I auditioned them in a room about the size you mentioned and they sounded "good" but didn't sound "great" in that smaller room, with an 80 watt per channel integrated driving them.  I have mine in a 24x26 room with 450 watts per channel amp behind them and they just sound awesome!

I have only heard the Vienna Acoustics speakers at a show, terrible way to decide on anything, so I can't