Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand

Hi All,

Just wanted to say WOW. My dealer has a pair of these. It's quite surprising as he tells me they are not released yet but he has received one of the first pairs.

Visually they are stunning. He has them in Cherry which is far more interesting than Beech, not quite Rosewood though. He has already put about 100 hours on them and they sound amazing. I went there to test the Beethovens (a demo pair) and fortunately he had the grand set up so we could do an A-B.

No comparison! The 3 bass drivers really kick up the bass response another notch. And the scanspeak tweeter developed for VA is really something special.

If only a mortage wasn't required for a pair!

PS. They were being powered by a set of Audio Research Monoblocks (not sure which ones), Audio Research Preamp and source, and Audioquest top-of-the-line cabling throughout.
Wow I didn't realize that my Proac's out performing my Strauss's was Juvenile. Of course maybe what's juvenile is making my simple statement of opinion into a personal attack. Maybe I should consult the audiophile verbage guidelines next time so that I don't use any language that you find juvenile. Maybe making a simple statement that I find the D25's better than the Strauss, and then raging on me personally is what's juvenile. FWIW I got the Strauss's new from Sumiko, so they weren't damaged. I've been doing audio both as a hobby and for a living for more than 35 years. I've learned how to set up speakers from some of the best in the business, so I doubt that was it. I thought that it was a given that all of this audiophile BS is basically just an opinion based on room , equipment, listener preference. Guess I was wrong. Since you like your Strauss's so much I guess that the D25's couldn't possibly sound better to me. Here's a little story about Audiophille nervosa.. I few years back I had gotten to the point where I had a lot of $$ tied up in my system: VPI TNT, Graham arm, VDH Grasshopper, Levinson electronics, Aerial's, all Transparent reference, Theta dac, etc, etc.. All told upwards of $60K in gear. So as many audiophiles do I had all of my lp's and cd's lined up for an afternoons listening session. Get the wife and kids out of the house sit back for a relaxing afternoons listening session. About a hour or so into it I realized what a beautiful day it was out side, how I was ALONE, and how as much money I tied up in my system, and how it really didn't sound like real music being played in a real place. The next day I went out and bought a new BMW MOTORCYCLE,and downsized the gear. Rekindeled the passion from my youth for riding and haven't looked back. Now I have a little system, and a couple of real nice bikes 03 BMW K1200RS, 02 MV Augusta F4, and the best part is I have a bunch of good friends that I see regularly. I spend much of my free time riding beautiful roads, ever carve the twisties on Skyline Drive through the Shendoa Valley on a perfect spring day, while some great tunes are playing through your Shure E5's feed from an Ipod? It just deosn't get any better.. Of course I could be sitting at home pretending to live while farting around with my hifi..... Nah
With 35 years of expeience you should realize how silly the word 'crush' is. You did NOT make a simple statement about how you find the D25's better then the Strauss. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that statement. You came out with an outrageous exaggeration, without any description. I have three teenage sons, and that's how they talk. ' My new video game slaughters my old one.' 'This cd crushes their last cd.' Statements like that lead me to beleive that you were a novice, because that's how I hear novices talk (the new Nordost cable kills the Cardas). No description of sound, no objective regarding pluses' and minuses', differences, personal musical tastes, etc.

FWIW, I'm not saying that the Strauss are the best speakers out there. I've heard better. I never even said they were better than your D25's, I haven't heard the D25's. However,I would never make a statement like the Strauss crush the Bose though, because as my experience grows, so does my ability to place thoughts into words.

I'm glad your happy riding your bike, it obviously has re-kindled your youth. If you don't like hifi equipment, that's fine also.


Never mind, I just read another post where evidently BAT VK1000's will 'tear apart' Krell amps. Looks like I have to adapt. My VPI turntable will obliterate the Linn tables! There, I'm getting the hang of it.
the new beethoven grand
If yoy want to see the grand beethoven speakers just go onto goggles search engine and type in 2004 ces vienna click onto that site pictures galore!