Vertical tracking force for Lyra etna lambda sl catridge

I have the Lyra etna lambda sl catridge mounted on a sme series v arm on a sme 30/2 table .
the recommended vtf is 1.62-1.72 gms. To me it sounds better with vtf of 1.8-1.9 gms. Will I be harming the needle by using a higher than recommended vtf.
thank you in advance to all vinyls gurus for ur advice .

Showing 5 responses by rauliruegas

@newtoncr : Other two importants subjects with the V tonearm is that is a balanced design and you must/should be use it in static mode the other issue is that the tonearm is well damped design: magnesium is good self dampened material and the tonearm is tapered that between other things avoid standing waves but additional to those characteristics SME designed a silicon tray to improve the cartridge/tonearm damping in favor of quality level performance in what we are listening.
Some owners do not like to use the V tray and orthers ( as me ) do it, this is up to you.

@newtoncr the first steps for any cartridge set up is to own a small round level and first check at the TT platter center ( nearest to the spindle. ) that must be dead centered in the level, then make the same at the TT arm board, next in the tonearm base and after finished the cartridge overall alignment/set up check with the level that at the tonearm pivot/fulcrum the left/rigth sides in the level are dead centered ( if the AZ alignment is independent of the pivot. ).

Dear @newtoncr : That you are wrong with that set up and that just forgeret about those " professionals " you mentioned and put in touch directly with the only gentleman that can help you: J.Carr Lyra designer.

Btw, @geof3 the OP cartridge and the V is spot on: 10hz in the combination frequency resonance.

newtoncr, again put in touch with JC. Btw, a cartridge like the one you own needs around 60-70 hours of playing to settle down and after that playing time hours you need to make the true fine tunning and this means to make a in deep and very carefully overall cartridge/tonearm/TT/phono stage set up according the cartridge needs always inside the Lyra alignment/set up specs.

newtoncr : or ( a big or. ) a phono stage or loaded phono stage that can't honor the cartridge very top quality levels.

Dear @newtoncr : With no ofense at all please forgeret of all those " professionals ".

The really one gentleman expert and professional with Lyra cartridges has a name and he is J.Carr its designer.

I know very well the V tonearm and I had there the Kleos and way before it the Helikon and always was a good match with Lyra cartridges and if your V is inside SME specs it must runs good with your cartridge.

Now, that you like it your cartridge at over the recommended VTF range could means that your cartridge/tonearm overall alignment/set up is not really accurated ( including VTA/SRA. ), or exist a tonearm trouble somewhere or the Lyra cartridge suspension is not rigth to Lyra specs.
There are no reasons for your Lyra can’t be enjoyed at the Lyra Vtf. range and no you don’t be using it at over 1.72grs. No matters what.

My advise is that you contact directly to J.Carr and follow his instructions about. Period.

Btw, for me it’s incredible that an Atlas owner send that top level cartridge to rebuilt/fix it with a re-tipper and not through Lyra directly. There are several reasons why don’t do that but each owner decides by him self. I’m only saying.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,