Verity Fidelio, Alon Lotus Elite & Merlin VSM-M?

I've been procrastinating upgrading my old speakers (Vandersteen 2ci) and I've sort of narrowed it down to Fidelios, Elite and the VSM-M. I've heard the Alons and the Merlins at the last Home Entertainment show and was quite impressed. Unfortunately at that time I wasn't looking for new speakers because I had a pair of Virgo IIIs which ended up not working out in my living room (I can only bring the speakers out about 2ft. from the wall). I'm curious as to what others think about the speakers listed above. I've read all reviews I can find, but haven't found any dealers in my area. My listening tastes are classical (including early music), jazz and lots of acoustical guitar and piano.


Showing 1 response by sbank

Tmoran nailed it. The Merlins are going to give you a tremendous view of your upstream components. It's hard to fault them as lightweight on bass, let alone being hifi. The MX version has better bass, and with the right components, they are as natural sounding as anything under $20,000.
Although I've also owned Alons, and liked them, I can't see a system built around them providing the world class performance that the Merlins can provide. If your current components aren't a good match for Merlins, and you want to keep them, then the Alons will probably be more forgiving (i.e. colored).
Yaboo, sure would like to know more about your system. The details might help DPE.