Verity Audio

Hi All,

Has anyone tested or own the Verity Audio Tamino or especially the Tamino Monitor? I am exploring the option of setting up a 2ch system using Spectral Audio components and am looking for a small monitor such as a Tamino or a Dynaudio S1.4. I am at the beginning of my search so any comments would be great.

Showing 1 response by rob_techsupport1081

The Tamino is a bit of a speaker searching for itself in the Verity line. Although it does share the same exquisite attention to details, it never really took off as much as their award-winning Parsifal and Fidelio.

Part of this can be explained by the X2 and X3 versions (was there an x1 ?) that have different bass properties. In some rooms, these are bass-heavy in other set-ups, one of these can be just perfect.

IF I were you I would phone the nice folks at Verity (Julian or Bruno) and ask them - not if there speakers are great, they are- but what are the specific caracteristics and the ,'whys'' for these different Tamino versions, as they do differ.

I am a past owner of Verity speakers, and I can attest to their greatness, although I feel the Tamino may be a bit pricey here.

Hope this helps !