Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation with Plinius Hautonga

Anybody heard this combination? Would also be interested in anyone just familiar with the performance of the amp too.


Thanks for the suggestion. I think I have found joy with the SMc modded DNA 0.5. Seems to really gel with these speakers. Iron fist/velvet glove sort of scenario.



Hi Ozzy.  I have two pairs doing review and demo rounds (PTA recently and Howard Milstein/Doug Moore soon). We're awaiting machine shop delays in finishing the next 5 pairs later this month, alas.

Since my final tweaking with fancy Mundorfs was with my Ovations and a golden-eared younger Harbeth 40.3 owner, I can STRONGLY suggest you'll find synergy with these Monoblocs. We set a really skinny direct MSRP at $5.9k/pr. I expect to be able to hold this price despite recent ramps in Ag prices.

Re others takes on Class D sounding skinny in the bass, I must state that I have NOT found this to be so. GaN-FETs speed and damping factor is such that bass is TIGHT and under huge control. If that suggests LESS bass then that is a psychoacoustic blunder of the listener conflating bloat with amplitude.

A serendipitous example of such effect I just witnessed:

That pair of Harbeth 40.3 overpowered the medium-sized room I referenced, setting up an annoying mode. We switched from the Audio Analogue MAESTRO (Class A/B) that was in place and, surprisingly, the annoyance of the mode lessened, as the GaN-FET architecture  somehow (speed?) cleaned up the bass so that the room mode didn't build up and "ring". I expected the increases in stage image solidity and detail from the Ag and Mundy mods compared to this huge A/B amp, but not the very obvious reduction in bass bloat.

Back to the Parsifals:

In my asymmetric ref room the Ovations are flat to 32Hz (low C) with room gain, with no problem pushing the 4ohm Dynaudio woofers VA spec'ed. My prior long term references were Pass Labs 100w Class A monos. The Orchard ULTRAs clearly equalled them in Class A tonal saturation and soundstage depth...and EXCEEDED Nelson's favorites in transparency and detail up top. Remanufacturing clones with all Ag wiring clearly yielded similar improvements. Adding the Mundorfs further improved realism...but only on superb recordings. (My references of late include my friend Irina MURESANU's Hybrids, Hooks, and Hints, which is revelatory BOTH for her astounding violin AND great FR on a piano in a medium hall). I've heard Irina in the nearfield live many times. This recording is shockingly good.)

For varied percussion I use "A Prayer for the Soul of Layla" by Sharifi, wherein is displayed a variety of drum skins' transients that will reward superb reproduction and PRAT.

That these Monos were developed using systems wired with my AgPur cables should go without saying. Veiling Gan-FET performance with copper cables will probably reduce the ability to appreciate the delta...and/or pass a single blind.

If you wish to demo a new pair of the Monoblocs RSVP, as we should have a few pairs available c. August 1.