Verdier Upgrade Kit

Has anyone got the upgrade kit to the Verdier La Platine by Callas Audio from the Netherlands? I am very intrigued as it addresses the spindle of the TT.

Showing 4 responses by ledoux

Wow! Tuboo, thank you for your post. You have said quite alot. I for one will give the mod kit a closer look.
Yes, from the face of it the upgrade kit looks really 'generic' considering the price!

The callas site is also providing a new 'belt'. On this point I would like your opinion. I have now switched to the rubber belt originally provided by Verdier and stopped using the thread. But I have read that using the thread is the way to go!?

How is the built quality of the power supply? Any practical use issues we should know about? I have thought of upgarding the power supply and/or motor for a while. What made you go with the Brit kit as opposed to several of the US motors? Never able to make up my mind.
Hi Tuboo,

The concept of the magnetic platter is that it would float free from the plinth of the TT with the only point of contact at the spindle. A part of your mod kit addresses problems that arises at this point of contact. Correct?

The opposing magnets will always be parallel to each other. As long as the plinth is level, then the platter should be level. The thread/o-ring imposes a lateral force on the platter which will disrupt the stablity of the magnetic platter. And part of your mod addresses the o'ring and the spindle problems. Correct?

Excuse my non-technical discription. But I just want to get a general sense of what you are trying to do. Because as you have said the concept of the Platine is brilliant. So much so, that a non-techie like me could grasp, appriciate, and 'buy' the concept at once.

How did you experiment while coming up with all the mods? I can't imagine you taking a part several Platines.

Again, thank you for your commnets.

i will take more -and hopefully better- pictures of the kit in which any Platine owner can get a better clue.

Hi Tuboo,

Yes you should take better photos and make a better presentation to the audiophile public of your mod.

I am reminded of the new Wilson Audio marketing compaign for its speaker. While you could hardly 'see' anything, and certainly hear nothing, the responses have been more woo's and ah's. Now that's marketing for you.