Velodyne DD-18 vs Martin Logan BF 12”

Looking to get a sub.  Large room - 2 story family room.  I have Sonus Faber Venere 1.5’s

looking at the Velodyne DD-18 and the Martin Logan Balanced Force 12” and Decent i

which would be best for the room and to complement my speakers?   

Music over home theater.  


Showing 1 response by blindjim

Velodyne DD 18. It has some corection and perhaps your HT proc does too.

Would more subs be better? Depends. I like the idea of having one for the rear surrounds. One for the mains. Even though there is usually but one dedicated sub track.

Using an extra sub means extra stuff and blending it to which ever speakers. Lo pas. Hi pass. Cut offs. Etc.

Velodyne DDs can be daisy chained and give great results via the on board room correction.

Sorry, I can’t speak to the ML option. I’ve only had Velos.
Good luck.