Vault 2i, etc.

As a purchaser of the Bluesound Vault 2i, I received a question from Amazon from a guy contemplating purchasing one.  He noted that “all mechanical drives eventually fail”, so is it possible to connect a solid state storage device to the Vault, as a more permanent storage medium?  

Which got me to thinking:  I know that drives fail — Bluesound recommends backing up the Vault’s contents to other storage to preserve the music in event of the Vault drive’s failure.  But, over the years, I have not had a problem with drives failing — other things stopped working, but I was able to access the drive’s contents to import over to a new computer/drive.  I have an external hard drive that I still use more than 10 years later and it works fine.  Even so, I plan to back-up the music on my Vault.  I was thinking of just backing up to another mechanical drive.   But this question makes me think:  Would it be better to back-up to a solid state drive . . . are they really that much better, more durable?

Showing 2 responses by bob540

@oddiofyl I have been researching SSDs and found a article where a guy wrote that while hard drives do fail, so too do SSDs.  Depending upon usage, he said that any drive can fail after a few years.  Given how much more SSD costs compared to hard drives with the same capacity, I sure wouldn’t want to replace one every 4 years or so (though I don’t put heavy use on hard drives I have had and still have an external hard drive that is working after 10+ years).

I saw a Samsung SSD (said to be very reliable) with 2 TB capacity for $350.