Various Bearing Isolation Devices

After you have spent a fortune on Audio components, interconnects/cables, AC power cord/line conditioner, room treatments, and even good equipment rack......playback isolation is critical for good sound. You can only go so far with cones and soft compond feet. The new bearing designs such as Symposium Rollerblock and Aurious MIB, seem to offer the next step by offering horz and vert isolation while simultaneously draining vibration from component to base, which should be one of many aftermarket products by Symposium, Townsend, Rosanite etc which absorb vibration. CD players and turntables have motors which develop internal rotational vibration which must be drained off.........I want to buy a base and bearing supports, anyone have some feedback on what is a good set-up, regards Sam
I just received 2 sets of the Vistek Aurious mib isolation bearings and the detail and soundstage are jaw dropping !Everything is in tighter focus and more information is realized .I used one set under my tube digital gear and another under my tube pre amp. I have owned almost every type of cone and soft device,Polycrystal, Marigo ,BDR ,Golden sound, Audioquest Big feet and vibrapods.I have tried all sorts of DIY isolation tables(sand inner tubes)I even got creative and used combinations with added MDF shelves as well as different materials such as slate.They all made a difference and some sounded better than others but none to the level of the Aurious bearings.Happy listening.
Lihifiguy: Where do you obtain the Vistek Aurious bearings? How much do they cost per set? Under what components do you find they work best? Are you a hermit, by any chance, as you seem to be such an expert on ISOLATION?? Kidding!
I use the symposium platforms under all my equipment, which includes CJ premier 12 tube amps. I have roller blocks under my CAT preamp, my Meridian cd player and the power supply for the CAT. They definitely make a big improvement with everything. I am also planning on getting a divided platform for my Basis turntable. The only problem I ever had with the symposium, was when I used it under the audible illusions 3a. This preamp seems to use its internal vibrations to add body to the music. They are definitely worth a try.
Euphorbia, did you go for tungsten carbide bearing upgrade for rollerblocks (I bet you did) and what is difference in sound?.........Marlec, CD player/turntalbe are first priority, Delve Audio is selling "B" grade Aurious MIB 3/$250, check their add on this site accessories/tweaks/classifieds...........also go to and read 6/12 review of Aurious MIB, Symposium platforms and rollerblocks were reviewed in Stereophile last year, regards Sam
Hi,Euphorbia,Megasam nailed my source and the price that I paid.They can be a little tricky to set up.Check the topic,"Aurios Media Isolation bearings yes/no",which is dated 7/21/00.Mikeg turned me on to these bearings.