Various Bearing Isolation Devices

After you have spent a fortune on Audio components, interconnects/cables, AC power cord/line conditioner, room treatments, and even good equipment rack......playback isolation is critical for good sound. You can only go so far with cones and soft compond feet. The new bearing designs such as Symposium Rollerblock and Aurious MIB, seem to offer the next step by offering horz and vert isolation while simultaneously draining vibration from component to base, which should be one of many aftermarket products by Symposium, Townsend, Rosanite etc which absorb vibration. CD players and turntables have motors which develop internal rotational vibration which must be drained off.........I want to buy a base and bearing supports, anyone have some feedback on what is a good set-up, regards Sam

Showing 7 responses by megasam

Part one of my upgrade is complete, my Target VR5 rack now has Symposium Shelf platform under CD palyer. Shelf is same 18 X 14 as existing shelf, which are vinyl wrapped composite. After inserting Symposium 1.25 thick multilayer shelf I used included metal blocks to couple CD player to polished aluminum shelf surface, thus draining rotational vibrations from CD player. Sound is now firmer, more powerful, with more air and seperation. Instead of metal mounting blocks you can use metal or composite cones to couple CD player to shelf, I have some polycrystal standard cones I will try. I am waiting for my rollerblocks, but factory is back ordered a couple weeks, can't make them fast enough. I decided to go this route because Symposium system is much more elegant than Bright Star mass loading/air bladder concept, of course there are other air platform/bases at various higher prices......Townshend, Vibrapalne, Aricci Suspense etc. but Symposium is affordable and you can go one step at a time......will let you know how roller blocks work, regards Sam
Euphorbia, did you go for tungsten carbide bearing upgrade for rollerblocks (I bet you did) and what is difference in sound?.........Marlec, CD player/turntalbe are first priority, Delve Audio is selling "B" grade Aurious MIB 3/$250, check their add on this site accessories/tweaks/classifieds...........also go to and read 6/12 review of Aurious MIB, Symposium platforms and rollerblocks were reviewed in Stereophile last year, regards Sam
Talked to Cable Co today, they said Symposium will soon be offering "super ball" for rollerblocks. The current tungsten carbibe upgrade ball is round to within 12 millionths of and inch, new supper ball using even more sophisticated processes, acheives perfect round within 5 millionths of an inch, further reducing microscopic friction, life is good........still waiting for my back ordered rollerblocks, regards Sam
My rollerblocks arrived finally, and I put them to the test. Beautiful looking precision pieces, I got the tungsten bearing upgrade and used the drop of teflon/silicon oil tweak. I used them on a Symposium Platform Shelf under a Musical Fidelity CDP, set in a Target VR5 rack. When installed CDP will float effortlessly and easily rock back and forth with light touch. Sound becomes more solid and clear, bass is faster and firmer, imaging and transients improve....... the important thing is sound is very natural, no upward tilt was noticed (unlike many cone devices).....this was my main fear. These units have a permanent home under my CDP! This is a very elegant system that solves CDP isolation by providing coupling/decoupling both at the same time. I would like to have compared to Aurios MIB, I think both are probably good solutions for CDP, becomes expensive to deploy on multiple components though........any other people using these?
Marlec, congrats on your discovery, rollerblocks do not have to have perfectly level surface, but both Aurios MIB and Symposium Rollerblocks to freely float CDP, must have cable weight/forces nuetralized so as not to impede CDP. Short ICs are usually no problem, but heavy AC cords must get special attention......Tape/strap loosely to your equipment rack (careful not to pinch cord) so AC cord weight is nuetralized and does not impede free float of CDP.....this is what I did with my PowerSnake AC cord..... yes it is very expensive to float multiple components, but the vast majority of improvement comes from CDP isolation, regards Sam
Marlec, KC2 is a fat heavy snake! You will have to be creative and maybe move CDP to lower shelf and use hanging support straps, or create some support arms that extend from rack......experiment and be creative, results are worthwile, BTW sounds like you have great system.......regards Sam
Mike, why did you replace Rosinante with granite, was this your idea or did Visitek recommend this as surface for Aurios MIB? I thought you were happy with Rosinante, please fill us in......Sam