Various Bearing Isolation Devices

After you have spent a fortune on Audio components, interconnects/cables, AC power cord/line conditioner, room treatments, and even good equipment rack......playback isolation is critical for good sound. You can only go so far with cones and soft compond feet. The new bearing designs such as Symposium Rollerblock and Aurious MIB, seem to offer the next step by offering horz and vert isolation while simultaneously draining vibration from component to base, which should be one of many aftermarket products by Symposium, Townsend, Rosanite etc which absorb vibration. CD players and turntables have motors which develop internal rotational vibration which must be drained off.........I want to buy a base and bearing supports, anyone have some feedback on what is a good set-up, regards Sam

Showing 5 responses by hungryear

Lihifiguy: Where do you obtain the Vistek Aurious bearings? How much do they cost per set? Under what components do you find they work best? Are you a hermit, by any chance, as you seem to be such an expert on ISOLATION?? Kidding!
Megasam - many thanks for your interest and thoughtful response. In the process of attaching the King Cobra V2 PC (this is the most obese 'reptile' I know) to my CDP (while perched on the MIB Aurios), the CDP almost got "catapulted" off the equipment rack as the PC has so little bending ability. The compromise with which I presently remain, is that of the CDP sitting rather obliquely on its shelf (atop the 'cookies') as there is no other arrangement possible to obtain the desired vibration isolation set up (while using the PC, too). I'm afraid to bend the PC anymore for fear of damaging it. I count my lucky stars that I'm still single; these tweaks are so ugly and time-consuming, no self-respecting spouse would tolerate the "spagghetti" and the rest of the "junk" on my rack! Of course, I enjoy it - why would I tolerate the mess?
I'm clueless about which are decent isolation devices especially when there are so many screeming for attention. Would like to know which are the best value? Also, under which components (other than a tt and t/port) are they of additional benefit?
Recently acquired MIB Aurios for my CDP and DAC. I was truly amazed at the immediate difference. Bass was much much tighter and the treble smoother and seemless with more bloom. Music became so effortless and made me feel more at ease too. Depth also improves. Unfortunately, I have no other isolation devices with which to compare these. I definitely hope to "float" all my other components. Pricey, though, at nearly $300 a component! MIBs require meticulous levelling to realize their isolation benefits. One hassle with these is when using a chunky custom power cord on the same component - this tends to "brake" the easy to-and-fro movement that is so critical to the bearings. Interested to know if others have had similar problems (ie using either the Symposiums or MIBs together with a "fat" powercord) and how they have solved this?