Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7

*** I tried to edit the TITLE.,,Sorry   I mean Vandie 1ci    Thanks

Hello to all! I am hoping I will get some opinions on these 2 speakers. I’m 65...a Pro musician with a degree in music. I’ve own of equipment for sure. Nothing in the Mega buck range. I did own a par of Maggie III’s 25 years ago. Vandersteen’s are really a brand I have never owned or stopped at a dealer or known someone who owned them.

I know opinions are GOING to vary. These are kinda 2 different speakers...but a similar approach. Maggie flat panel, and Vandie "no baffe.

I have an NAD 326BEE integrated amp..( very decent)....I’m about to spring for a Schiit Vidar. I have an MF V90,,Schiit Saga... I own Whafdale Diamond 240’s.

I was also set to pop for the Vidar and got into a discussion with someone at Schiit, and he generally said, looking at speakers/ headphones are usually a bigger change. So started my re-evaluation.

These are the 2 I am down too. I have 1400-1500 to spend. True-ness of timbre, soundstage are most important ot me ...because I have listened and played live music since I was 15.

I do very much appreciate your opinions. I want member to BE subjective and give me your take based on personal experience. Thank you very much, Otto


Showing 18 responses by tomic601

a NOS made in USA Tung-Sol ?

let us know what it does....

tube rolling is like sampling bottles of Scotch....ha
catch JA video interview of Richard at CES for insight into his designs and i believe an interesting VLR development..... he mentions SEAS as the driver supplier now but an upcoming change to Scanspeak.....
spades are your friend !
yes banana is easy and in the garage and repair bench Pamona bananas everywhere
but for a good gas tight high current connection, pretty much nothing beats a soft metal low mass spade....yrmv
well nice to hear on the LINN amp singing ;-)
let us know how the signal digital cable works out !!!!!
i have been to Schitter mecca, it all sounds the same thru the junk cheapo cables they use.......
but hey it works for them....
and yes i love his book
and his business model
but i do wonder if they have had a listen to the room the demo in.....
i run blue jeans in my vintage system
a 25’ rca out to the power amp cause my preamp can drive that
and a bi-wire set of the Belden
but you just know tge Audioquest old as the hills type 6 set i have laying around kills it.....
solid core, geometry, ?????
maybe Bill Low can hear.....
let me know if ya want to borrow a set...
of course they are terminated for Vandersteens

Glass, real glass Optical
but I like Your and Johnny R thinking, now that you have a resolving speaker use it to find what works best in your system
enjoy the music !!!!
You will not get any guff from me on shot or sand filled heavy Pangea with carpet spikes and bluetac 

have at it !!!!!

The mighty 7 use gold plated soft buss bar terminal strip cause he can’t find ANYTHING better at any $$$$, so do the model 7 amps

every speaker in Line uses the terminal for an excellent reason IMO

just do the math on contact area cause you know those banana plugs deform

i use them when I have 2

How wonderful:-)

i second the rock rock solid sound anchors, there are other brands also, Johnny R will know

you really should re reterminate to spades, any decent Audioquest dealer will do this for Low money $$$$

finally you will be shocked what a Vandersteen sub can do with it’s speaker level integration 

but it take time to enjoy them !!!!!

Congrats on the VLR’s a fantastic and as you have seem overlooked coax that can give the deservingly lauded Kef a run for the money !!!

on stands I would say concrete is pretty light, porous and resonant in blocks, invest in some Sound Anchor or other metal stands, Blu Tac is worth its weight in gold!!!

do not modify the inputs, even the 7 use the barrier strip gold plated soft brass tied directly to the crossover as only the frugal Dutchman can do

serious do not change those !!!!

enjoy and keep us filled in !!

the vlr driver is incredibly expensive to build they sound incredible on stands and have real bass output so you can use a sub but still get a great blend.
on a pair of sound anchors or other heavy metal stands they will be awesome. The kef product is quite good also and has a well deserved reputation, listen to both...

one way to think about Vandersteen is the entire line hews to the strict application of about 10 core design the line sounds very similar. So you get same crossover design philosophy from $1,300 to $62 k, low difraction ditto, easy load, low phase angle ditto, bypass caps, time alignment, patented aerodynamic basketbstructures, pistonic drivers, etc...ditto the list goes on....

but keep listening...
Otto it sounds like you are having big fun along the way, which I find important and then settling down to imersing yourself in THE music afterwards...

Funny story circa circa 1983 or so...

Scott the owner of Progressive Audio where I worked yelled into one of the Listening rooms “ Hey Richard Vandersteen is on the phone, wants a word with you....don’t know why....”

Richard proceeds to congratulate me for selling the most Vandersteen product that quarter - he then says you do know we make a Model 2 right ?

Seriously, if you are considering the Kef ( and yes we were a Kef dealer also with 105.2 our best speaker at that time ) I would recommend you give the VLR a listen also, Johnny R probably has them...
try to get the signatures
Vandersteen ran a trade promo recently that may have put some old model 2 into dealers....but IF you can swing the signatures you will find them pretty incredible.....
tend to agree with Tom on model 2..... with a strong caveat - imo you need a rock solid amp to control the low end ( which is formidable) on the 2
Otto - good for you - thinking it thru...there is a growing cadre of fine dealers who carry both Maggie and Vandy
if you can build that false wall it would help for sure.....
i am a female vocal junkie myself....the 7’s are singing with some sweet Linda R right now......

for grins next time I chat with Richard Vandersteen I will mention renaming the ones to .7
he should get a kick out of it

imo any decent dealer will lend you both....
Otto - good for you - thinking it thru...there is a growing cadre of fine dealers who carry both Maggie and Vandy
if you can build that false wall it would help for sure.....
i am a female vocal junkie myself....the 7’s are singing with some sweet Linda R right now......

for grins next time I chat with Richard Vandersteen I will mention renaming the ones to .7
he should get a kick out of it

imo any decent dealer will lend you both....
Vandersteen, but I am biased having sold them many moons ago and currently have 7’s and Treo on order

many Vandy dealers will demo the 1 with a NAD, Marantz or other value oriented integrated amp, and it will sound great.

the Maggie’s have many virtues for sure but your amp is going to limit you.
i should disclose I am not anti planar, I have a set of Apogee Stages in my vintage room

where are you at, can probably recommend a dealer...