Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions

I recently purchased a demo pair of Vandersteen Treo (non CT), and am wondering what people recommend for bi-wired speaker cables? The Treos will be paired with a Hegel H-160 solid state integrated amp.

The dealer I am purchasing from has recommended Cardas Parsec speaker cables. Does anyone have experience with these? Would be very interested to hear what has worked for others. I'm excited to spend some time over the holidays with these awesome speakers!

(If helpful, my system includes a Rega Planar 3 w/ Dynavector 10x5 and LFD Phonostage LE with LFD interconnects.)



Showing 2 responses by gdnrbob

Johnny Rutan, and Mr. V. are AQ fans.
I run my Treo's with AQ Rockefeller, but I had Johnny make a set of GO-4 which I will install once I get my kooky system together (long story).
The Rockefellers replaced a set of Transparent-one of my most expensive mistakes.
I was initially going to buy the CastleRock's, but Johnny said the GO-4 would be just as good.
I really hate spending more on cables than I possibly can.
The GO-4's are relatively inexpensive, especially compared to those damned Transparent cables I had(and they didn't sound good with the Vandie's).