Vandersteen Surround HELP

Has anyone used Vandy 1C's as surround sound speakers. My new Music Theater will allow for my surround speakers to out away from the walls and almost free standing in the room. So I'm looking for suggestions from anyone who might have tried these as surrounds. My other options will be VLR-1's and then VSM-1's. My front speakers are 3A Signatures and the V2W for my subwoofer. Thank You in advance for any advise that you can offer.

Showing 1 response by bondmanp

I have a pair of 1Cs, each with its own 2Wq as mains, a VCC-1 center, and 1Cs as surrounds, with a pair of Paradigm Atoms for rear-surrounds. The 1C surrounds are up on 2 rows of cinderblocks (they are pretty close to the listening area, ~4 to 5 feet, so they need the hieght). They are nearly flush against the side wall, and aimed at each other, with the plane between them just behind my listening chair.

1Cs are usually available used for under $500/pr, so for me, they were cheaper than VSMs.

The soundstage is pretty seemless and wrap-around, despite different amplification for the front and rear speakers. (See my system in my profile for all the gear involved.) I am very pleased with this setup for surround use, although, since it is a combo 2-channel/HT rig, I am thinking about a mains upgrade. Unfortunately, I don't have the space for Vandy 2s or 3s, or the money for Quatros.