Vandersteen Seven Review

Vandersteen Seven: The Ultimate Disappearing Act

Utilizing advanced technologies to render an object virtually undetectable is one definition of the word STEALTH. Stealth is not commonly used, but became a household word during the Gulf War. The U.S. military used advanced technologies in aircraft to make them virtually undetectable to the enemy. We all watched in awe as bombs and missiles were dropped with incredible precision and obliterated the Iraq military machine.

It seems as though Richard Vandersteen of Vandersteen Audio had the Stealth Fighter in mind when he set out to design the appearance of the Model Seven loudspeaker. My personal pair of Sevens are black in color and during low light listening sessions they disappear in my room. The clean design lines of the Model Seven remind me of the aircraft after which it was designed.

That being said, the ultimate disappearing act of the Vandersteen Model Seven loudspeakers has nothing to do with their outward appearance. Instead, Richard Vandersteen utilizes test of time proven design principles, as well as innovative and cutting edge technologies and materials, that render them undetectable in the production of music in your listening room. This rare combination of proven design, cutting edge technologies and materials, and the Seven's ability to be tuned to any room, sets them firmly at the top of an elite group of world class loudspeakers.

I’ve enjoyed listening to music my entire life, and since the age of 14 had my own audio system. In the last 20 years my system has continually evolved into a true high end audio system. Four years ago my wife and I purchased a new home which has a large 33’ x 23’ family room that I have converted into our listening room. Through that move I began to realize how important both the room and speaker placement are to the reproduction of music. Two years ago I was fortunate enough to have Jim Smith of Get Better Sound fame come to my house and conduct a Room Play session. Because of the Sevens' room tuning ability, Jim and I were able to place the speakers in the room for the best imaging, soundstage, and aesthetics, and then adjust the bass response to the room and my personal tastes. This capability is unique, and to my ears makes a significant difference when done correctly.

So the answer to everyone’s "how do they sound?" question. In a word the Sevens sound fantastic. The first thing I noticed with them is their ability to flush out all the inner level details of the human voice and instruments. The tonal quality of the presentation is so life like and real. A few months back we went to Blues Alley in Washington DC and heard Ramsey Lewis perform. The venue there is very small with minimal amplification of the performance. It was in that setting that I realized how true to the source the Model Sevens truly are. No, its not live in my listening room, but closer than I ever thought possible. The three dimensional soundstage, instrument decays, and space around the performers draws me into long listening sessions. But it’s the presentation of the human voice that sets them apart from any speaker I have ever heard. So lifelike, the small inflections and nuances that are unique to every singer are jaw dropping. I’m continually surprised by the lifelike size and shape of the presentation in my room. I could go on and on but I think you get the idea. I’ve purchased my last loudspeaker. High end audio is all about squeezing every last detail and potential from the source material. The Vandersteen Model Sevens are as true to the source as any loudspeaker I’ve heard.

In conclusion I challenge anyone to take an objective look at what makes a world class loudspeaker, and see if you agree with my opinion that the Vandersteen Model Seven stands alone at the top of an elite group of speakers that most would call world class. The factors below when considered causes them to have no peers.

- Proven design principles that have stood the test of time

- Cutting edge innovation, technologies and materials

- Aesthetics that blend into and home décor (look like they belong in a home not a recording studio)

- Room tuning capabilities for seamless integration in any room

- Settings that can tailor the sound to individual tastes

Evaluate these attributes when making your loudspeaker selection and you will find few if any competitors that can match the Model Sevens total package of value.

System Components:
Vandersteen Sevens, BAT VK 600SE with 655SE Caps, Audio Research REF 5SE with Super tubes, PS Audio DS and PWT, Bricasti M1, Music Vault M7 Server, Pass Labs XP 25 Phono Stage, Basis 2200 Signature TT w/ Vector 4 w/VTA Tonearm, Dynavector 20X2H, Synergistic Research Power cell 10UEF, Synergistic Research CTS speaker cables Synergistic Research Speaker cells, Synergistic Research CTS XLR interconnects, Synergistic Research Transporter Ultra SE, Synergistic Research ART acoustic System, Synergistic Research FEQand HFT's. Rack of Silence stand.

Showing 13 responses by ctsooner

Johnny sets up the Vandy's as well as anyone can. He just gets it. The guy really is a servant, lol. I'm being serious here too. He really does get it and he cares. Hard to find that.
Thanks for your review. I have the Treo's and have heard the 7's at Audio Connection on MANY occasions. They really are special. I can't wait to hear the mk II's. I realized a few years ago that Vandy's done WOW the masses on first listen. They are not tipped up in the high end like some other's so they don't scream at you in the store or in a show setting. I think that's a big reason many say bad things about them on internet boards. Those of us who have gone the extra length and given them a true fair shot and listened to them for a few hours, get it. They are so detailed with no smearing and they are true to the signal. I have more than a few hot recordings and thats what they give me. Up and down his line they are still very good values.
I've heard a fair amount of speakers that break the 100k mark and they are no better and many are not at good as the 7's and that's not even the 7 mk II. There is a reason he wins awards regardless of what high end electronics he pairs with them. I do LOVE his new amp with them though, lol.
BTW, LOVE your system.
There are a couple of dealers who frequent the boards who don't get as much positive pub as Johnny gets. He doesn't ask any of us for this either as any of us will attest to. That's a sign that you are doing things correctly I think..
I've never let a connection type prevent me from a purchase. Interesting to see. Vandersteen feels that a screw connection is by far the best physical connection you can get. I had MIT 770 MH for my Proac's, but when I recently switched to Vandy Treo's, I purchased the Castle Rock AQ cables as they were bi wired and a better match for the speakers. If you spend this kind of money for a speaker, I'd think just getting the proper cable would make the most sense, but that's just me. If you liked the Vandy's enough to purchase, you should listen to them with your cable as well as what the dealer would recommend and see which one you liked best. JMHO
I agree on the Vandersteen Treo's on up. Very few compared to how many are sold show up used. I think cult is a strong word for audio folks who are loyal to a brand. I have actually had that discussion with a few non audiophiles along with audiophiles. Neurotic? Of course, lol.

I too would love to hear from other Vandy owners are even recent past owners to get their thoughts. If for no other reason to maybe pick up a tidbit or two on tweeting etc.. It's just fun to do.

I can't own the 7's myself, but have heard them plenty of times and am blown away by how subtly accurate they are. They don't scream at you, because they don't tip up their treble like many other designers do. The new carbon drivers don't come off as 'making a huge difference' when you compare them to the ceramic coated tweeters, however I bet if you gave someone the CT versions for a month and then replaced them for the regular ones, they'd be very upset with what they are hearing.....I have the ceramic tweeter in my Treo's and they sound awesome, but I know how great the CT version sounds.

There are plenty of 7 owners who do post, however it's often on digital or source component threads. The one commonality is that they all love their speakers and have no desire to 'trade up' to more expensive models of another brand. I have personally heard a lot of 100k plus speakers that are set up incredibly well and they all sound great, however I always compare them mentally to the 7's (not accurate, but I've been listening for years and years and know what I like) and nothing has beaten them. Some have come very close, however they cost more than double their price and still aren't quite as involving IMHO.
Jeff, I have been swamped with a project (I'm building a set of dining room chairs) and hope to be done within the next few weeks. Then I can get down to John's.
Probalby my fault on the way the thread has gone. Sorry...Funny, but I have never heard bad things about Vandy's from folks who hear them set up properly at a store or in their homes. I can't say that about Wilson, Thiels (especially the new ones, Focals and many others named speakers). That says so much to me. There are a lot of good speakers out there, however too many are just not that good regardless of cost. This is why dealers are so important as you need to hear things side by side to figure out what you really want to listen to
Funny, but my spouse NEVER has listened with me. She'll enjoy the background music, but tonight we have spent the last many hours just listening to my Treo's with OSDE and Ayre AX5 Twenty and she's loving it. It's because there is just NO listener fatigue and the noise floor in my system is nearly non existent with everything I've done. I still need to hang the two quilts on a side wall that I got a couple of weeks ago. That will really help the sound of my room (thanks Johnny Rutan as Audio Connection). It's amazing how easy it is to make small improvements with inexpensive changes to walls etc...
Heck, I used to buy from Bruce when I lived there with the Navy in the 80's. He was a great dealer and I have some NAD gear and Stax gear I got from him still. Met Ricahrd Vandersteen there for the first time too. He had the Sota vacuum TT that I wanted, lol. Great memories.
Well, I'm off to Audio Connection tomorrow to listen to the new 7's, but also the Quatro for me. I can' wait to get down there to see everyone. Anyone who wants to come down, it wold be great to meet up.
Ok, was at Audio Connection yesterday. Met up with a new friend who is looking for speakers in this range. It was first thing in the morning and the systems wasn't fully set up, but we went back to listen for an hour and it sounded good with the analog, but not with the digital (IMHO). By the end of the day I realized HOW good these speakers are. The emotion was there once the electronics caught up with the speaker. It was the digital that needed to catch up. I do hope this person puts these on his last cut list and gives them a serious listen in his room as I think he will be very happy as it's still the only speaker I've heard that gives the emotion with the detail etc.... It all starts and end with the mids. By nailing the mids, he then went on to nail the bass which helps, not hurts the mids and then he got the highs right. No it won't 'stand out' like some speakers do. It really is about being flat and letting your gear shine through. What a fun day listening to the whole top end of Richard's line. I was listening to the higher end of Wilson's line the day before on the same Ayre Ref/Twenty gear being fed AR digital and there as NO emotion at all. It just left me not wanting to listen and grabbing for the headphones. With the Vandy's, I kept going back as I wanted to hear specific songs that I love to listen to #thanksJoeBonamasa
Honestly, I won't say anything yet as I want much more time with components I know. I am not familiar with the AR digital stuff. I will bring my Overdrive SE in to listen next time. The other thing is that I liked the speakers first thing in the morning, but they didn't grab me like they have in the past. Once I heard them around 5pm, I was blown away by the layering and texturing. Thats what always draws me it. I will do a full review between the two once I get more time with the 2's.... I will say that what I heard later in the day was some of the best sound I've heard out of components. We were playing some records then too ;)
Great thoughts on the whole line. Thanks for sharing. I"m hoping that soon he will upgrade all the line with more carbon as he sure has it down at this point. The Quatro is the sweet spot in the line for those of us who can't afford the 5 CT;s or 7's and never will. I have the Treo's that I'm ready to sell in order to upgrade to the Quatro. Even though the speakers share the same drivers at times and the same DNA, I'm always amazed at what you get for each step up in price. Bass is very expensive to do correctly, but when you do, it seems like everything else also gets better and better. Once he went to that Carbon Fiber type of cabinet, it was all bets off for the other higher priced speakers.

We all know Johnny knows how to set up a room without voodoo. He has those 5's absolutely cooking in front room, but you hear so many subtle differences that take things steps further in that back room with the 7;s running AR, Ayre or Aestetix gear. I will also say AQ cables play a big part in those systems. I also find it interesting that he doesn't use much, or any power conditioners, just juice from the power line on the street in a busy business grid. Can't wait to hear the new AQ Niagara power conditioner with that big when he gets it in and cooked. lol..