Vandersteen's Low Spousal Acceptance Factor

I purchased the Vandy 2ce sigs recently, and really like their sound. I know everyone has strong opinions about them on this site, but to me they sound very natural and balanced. I've owned Revels, Thiels and Von Schweikerts, but they all sounded slightly colored and/or dry by comparison.

Enter the dreaded Spousal/Wife Acceptance Factor. My wife HATES the way the Vandy's look. Is there anyone who can modify/dress the Vandy's to make them more presentable?? Or, is there another speaker (even if it costs a little more) out there that has that first-order sound, but doesn't look like a black box? Help!

Showing 2 responses by jay_douglas_2879b79

a castle harlech or howard- you're wife will think they are beautful and they have that 'natural' thing the vandys have. an incredible value, and the best sounding furniture at any price