Vandersteen Moel 2Ce better than Model 1B used in midsize room

Probably the answer is yes but for now i must say i’m quite happy with mine model 1B. The situation is i can buy a used 2Ce for a reasonable price. I don’t have big annoying problems with the 1B only the tend to drown a bit when the music get more complex an is building up like a orchestra build up to a crescendo. My main music is Jazz like Chat Baker an fusion jazz like Billy Cobham which reproduce the 1B excellent. I was wondering how big the change will be by replacing the 1B with the 2Ce.


Showing 6 responses by tomic601

To honor the OP , the mention of 650 Euro seems relevant to the discussion....

and yes Hejira is a lovely lovely bit of work...

I find Vandy owners are music lovers first...
For NY - Brian is super correct , download the extensive model 2 owners manual which includes very detailed setup instructions- there are some rare ROOm N / listener geometry where no tilt is called for but certainly not the norm. The time and phase correct alignment of all Vandersteen products rewards precise setup !!! Post any questions here. The Vandy website also has owners section and a place to review ? To Richard.
Two issues - the acoustic coupler is not going to contribute that much that far out from the wall. Your DSP can help but boost will be what is needed and that can cause other issues.

Tomcarr is correct, high passing the 1 takes massive load off the 8” driver in the 1, cleaning things up.

to the OP I assume the nad has preamp out / amp in jacks ??? IF not you might be able to implement the correct low pass filter with your DSP
1, 2, 3, Treo, 5, 7 owner...

looking at your attic room - some challenges and opportunities... love it by the way...

your NAD has enough grunt for either, obviously you could change it to some benefit. with your space, i would high pass the 1’s and add a Vandersteen sub. IF you put the 2’s where the 1’s are currently you will get the benefit of the midrange for sure BUT the acoustic coupler is too far out from the wall to have much effect....hence my recommendation.

have fun, enjoy the music !!!!!