Vandersteen Model 1

Hello all,

I have a chance to get a pair of Vandersteen model 1 for what I think might be a decent price. $300. The woofer of one has been repaired. I have never heard any Vandersteen speaker, only read the reviews, most of which are for the 1c model not the model 1.

My system is a Jolida 202a for listening and a Music Hall 25.2 for DVD and TV. Large room....12x18

Good match? Have you heard this model?

Thanks in advance!


Showing 1 response by lrsky

Bondmanp hit it just right.
If you are handy with a screwdriver, or if you have a friend who is, just make sure that the repaired woof is identical, meaning factory spec. You can call Vandersteen and they'll walk you through it. It's usually only a matter of a few screws, and the ability to not over tighten when replacing.
Remove both woofers, making sure to keep them separate. Then give V'steen the numbers. They guide you and be very helpful in doing so.

Good luck,