Vandersteen Forum

I bought an older pair of Vandersteen 2Ce and did not like them. Found out one woofer was crackling (what I did not like was poor tweeter and midrange). I went onto the Vandersteen forum to see if changing a component or two would better the sound than 25 year old speakers. In 2022 almost anyones speakers sound better than 25 year old Vandersteen technology. 
The replies raised my eyebrows. I was just wondering if anyone else has had any experience with that forum and did they find it cult-like or is it just me?


Showing 4 responses by jjss49

It is possible that it might have been your tone that set people off?


my oh my...

reading through all these posts on this thread, must say a few elements are surprising/amusing

-- if someone knows they have a blown/malfunctioning driver in a well respected speakers (even a NOT well respected one), why would they not have that repaired first and foremost -- before making ANY assessment or comment?

-- why talk anywhere about redesigning such a speaker without ever hearing it working as it should be, much less go to the brand followers’ forum to complain?

-- all this from a purported MD/medical professional?

man o man...

"i drove around in this porsche i just bought with a flat tire, geez it just drives like crap, so i went to the porsche forum, asked people can this car be made to drive better if i went to jrz coilovers instead of the stock bilsteins... and man, those people had nothing useful to say, just told me to fix the flat, don't modify anything, and wouldn’t engage on anything else.... what jerks..."

brand specific sites tend to accumulate fanboys and girls... helpful for tips if one has committed to that brand, perhaps less useful otherwise 

that said vandys and b&w's are at opposite poles of sound character... so if someone likes one it's hard to imagine they'd like the other