Vandersteen Forum

I bought an older pair of Vandersteen 2Ce and did not like them. Found out one woofer was crackling (what I did not like was poor tweeter and midrange). I went onto the Vandersteen forum to see if changing a component or two would better the sound than 25 year old speakers. In 2022 almost anyones speakers sound better than 25 year old Vandersteen technology. 
The replies raised my eyebrows. I was just wondering if anyone else has had any experience with that forum and did they find it cult-like or is it just me?


Showing 3 responses by jeffrey75

Garbage in = Garbage out, some speakers are designed to be more accurate(polite) these speakers are heavily influenced by source, amplification, quality of recording, and room they are placed in. Some speakers are just more forgiving making everything that passes threw them sound good or better with little thought to room placement or room treatments the SCM-1 sounds like, pun intended, to be a better fit for your room and your gear "Cheers".




Every second 10,000 sine waves are arriving to your ear That is 29,979, 245, 800,000 nanometers in a vacuum If one of the speakers is one inch farther away at 10,000 hz do u realize how ignorant it is to try to put those two signals in-phase?


Something geoffkait would say right?