Vandersteen 5a, 15 years old vs. new Vandersteen Quatro Wood (upgrade or downgrade)

I currently have a Vandersteen 5A purchased about 15 years ago in great condition. My  equipment  is Thor 150 watt  tube EL-34 monoblocks with a Thor linestage, Sony SACD player and a middle of the road VPI turntable. Was reading about the Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT which I believe retails for $15,000.00. The wood has the carbon tweeter, my 5A's do not. The Quatro also has a 250 watt amplifier for the built in sub while my 5A's have a 400 watt amp.  If I purchased a new Quatro Wood and sold my 5a's would the resulting sound be better overall in my 8 1/2 by 15 foot room?
 My rationale for considering this upgrade, is that I would be getting a speaker with all new parts and would obtain a new warranty.  Any thoughts would be helpful.  In short is todays' Quatro Wood CT a better sounding speaker than my old 5A?  Would this change be an upgrade and would it yield an improvement in sound to justify the cost?

Thank you. 



Showing 2 responses by intermediatic

So I had regular Quatros and I did my best to hear the difference between those and the Quatro Carbons. I upgraded to a used set of 5As and whoa boy, what a difference.

Mind you, I have a room that’s 38’ in the long dimension. I’d be interested in the 5A Carbons, but they’d be worth a few thousand to me, not $15,000 more or whatever extra I’d need to shell out for them. As for the Kentos at their price point, I just don’t get that either. I know, hi-fi costs a lot more than a few years ago, but that’s not making that much sense to me. Maybe I’ll upgrade my turntable or something.

Also, yeah, the OP and anybody else should listen to Johnny R. He knows what he's doing and he's a good guy. There's a reason Richard Vandersteen does seminars there every year. 
@tomic601 Been a while but I'll talk with JR, sure. Now he did have the option of selling me the M7 high pass when I bought it and he didn't, so I suspect he'll say it's not worth it. Yes, the sound in that room is phenomenal. I went to another dealer the other day to purchase something JR doesn't carry and the sound was nothing like the system he put together for me. I do wish the system got a wee bit louder for action movies and such, but it is one of the best systems I've ever heard for listening to music and ***it's all mine*** bwa ha ha ha.