OK, if you're looking for percentages... (Only valid with appropriate associated equipment):
100% = 5As
70% = Quatros
60% = 3A Sigs with subs, big amp, big room and a meticulous set up...(employ Richard Hardesty for best results...No, I don't work for him ;->)
50% = 3a Sigs with meticulous set up, a big amp and a bigger room.
50% = 2Ce Sigs with subs, regular amp, regular room.
40% = 2CE Sigs
30-35%% = VSM Signatures (Yes, they're amazing! Add subs and the 2s are not necessary...for HT.)
25% = 1Cs
All that said... YMMV! Percentages are not what you hear. Also, your room, electronics and taste may make one set up far better than another choice.
My only warning is that if you really want to get the best out of the 3s you will need a serious amp, a huge room and Richard Hardesty to set them up for you. For the money, effort and results you'll be better off with Quatros.
If you have the $$ you won't be disappointed with the 5As. They are MUCH better than the old 5s and are still a significant step up from the Quatros.
Good luck, I hope this helps. BTW, this is just my opinion. So take all I've written with a grain of salt and go listen at your local dealer!