Vandersteen 3a Signatures compared to Treo’s

I currently have a pair of Vandersteen 3a Signatures ( upgraded last summer) which I love and am thinking of a pair of Treo CT’s. I have heard the Treo’s and was impressed but that was in a showroom so I’m looking for opinions if any of you have done the switch? Other equipment is Benchmark amp, Benchmark DAC3, Audiolab 6000cdt.
thanks for the input

Showing 1 response by bigkidz

IMO I would look for a used pair of 5As.  I got mine for $5K and while I am not a big Vandersteen fan boy, for that price they were hard to beat.  I also build my own components so that had a much bigger impact on the sound then when I have heard them at a dealers showroom.

I had the 3s and they just did not do it for me at the time.  Overall very nice but not the same impact on the sound as the model 5s can be.