Vandersteen 2CE Signature III — video review on YouTube by Steve Guttenberg (1/15/2023)

Steve gives them an excellent rating. Nice shout-out to John Rutan at AudioConnection. His reviews are quirky, and I know not everyone is a fan of him but since I own these speakers and love them, I love the review! 😎

Vandersteen 2CE Sig III review - Guttenberg on YouTube


Showing 3 responses by unsound

IMHO, the older models were rolled off, the more recent iterations more neutral.

^You might not be wrong for you, but for others, missing sound beyond the limitations of FM could be lacking. Furthermore, there something to be said for the wiggle room beyond the limitations of hearing.

I think that some older speakers weren’t capable of true high end extension, which allowed the rising high end of many mc cartridges to gain in popularity. Later with more capable tweeters and the entrance of CD’s this was altered.