Vandersteen 1Ci, Tekton Lore Reference, or Fritzspeaks Grove for a small room

I have not had the time to devote to listening to my system for a few years... Now that I am retired, I want to set up a system in a small room (12 X 14).  I am leaning toward small floorstanders so I don't have to mess with stands.  I am considering the Vandersteen 1Ci and the Tekton Lore Reference--but I see that the Fritz Grove is on special for $800, so they are also under consideration.  My amp is a Cayin A50T EL 34 tube integrated.  The nearest Vandersteen dealer is a couple of hours from my house, so I am able to listen to them.  I sent an inquiry to Tekton over a week ago, and have not heard back--I had the same problem lack of communication with them several years ago, when inquiring about the original Lores.  On the other hand, I have talked with Fritz several times in the past, and he goes out of his way to discuss his products.  At one time I did demo one of his older products, a MTM design.  I am hesitant to contact him yet about the Groves, until I am reasonably sure I would purchase them--He is so accommodating, that I feel guilty if I don't purchase something! 

At at any rate, I am looking for something that would work well in my small (basement) room, that has a reasonably wide sweet spot (two or three seats).  Thanks in advance for all input!

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Showing 3 responses by gdnrbob

Though I haven't heard the Vandy 1's (I own the 3a sigs), I would not be surprised that they sound as good as hifiman says. 
To add a little grist to the mill, instead of Tekton, I would ask that you consider Zu Audio. 
I have a pair of Omen Bookshelf speakers for my office and find them very listenable. If you buy direct, you also have money back a trial period.
The Omen's also come in a floor standing model.

As far as not contacting Fritz, I would say do not be shy. 
A good manufacturer will not be put off by an interested client.

I bought my Vandy's used privately, but when I contacted Vandersteen regarding an issue, Mr. Vandersteen called me back, spent time diagnosing a problem, and even called back to see if it had been rectified. Now that is customer service!
And, though you hate to be a 'tire kicker', a good manufacturer understands that you have questions, and since they love what they do, will be willing to provide answers.
A quick Google for the Fritz website showed no Grove on sale. Are you buying these direct or from a dealer?
Though Fritz's designs are intriguing, I think you really have to listen to them, or at least listen to both the Vandy's  and Fritz's if you are considering them.

FWIW, I have only returned to Hifi after a 30 year hiatus. During the '80's, I heard the Vandersteen 2's and was awed by their capabilities. After all those years, I still remembered how they sounded. Last year, I decided I wanted to listen to music again and was so glad to find Vandersteen still held in high esteem.
As I said, I now have the 3a sig's in my main room, and can honestly say that they are truly worth every penny. So, if you can't demo the Fritz's, I would say you would not go wrong with the Vandersteen. Heck, add a  2w sub or two and you will be in heaven.
Thanks for the link Pretender. I'd be interested in hearing these speakers myself- a trip to San Fran would be also be fun. Maybe this winter....