Vandersteen 1C's to replace Paradigm Studio 40's??

I would like some input from others with more experience than I. I currently have Paradigm Studio 40's (Exposure 2010s integrated, Rega Apollo cd, Rega P3-24 TT). I haven't been feeling them since i got them used about 2 years ago. They just don't seem to sound as good to me as expected. My Studio 20's actually sounded better (my imagination?). My local stereo shop has an older pair of Vandersteen 1C's. I've read great things about these speakers. I am going to ask to listen to them, but any thoughts from anyone. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by freediver

I have owned a few pair of Paradigm's & have ALWAYS found them to be very bright in Acoustically Untreated rooms.Paradigm voices ALL their speakers in an Anechoic Chamber.The Studio 40's can be fantastic speakers with just a bit of treatment & change that SS amp to something with tubes.I also lived with 1C's driven by Tubes & while they were good they were no better than the 40's so I think that will be a sidegrade.