Valvet with DAC for volume

I've begun looking at the Valvet E3, Have people had good luck using a DAC for volume control? Or a passive pre? The E3 has 21db gain. You can special order a higher gain up to 30db, though each step will raise the noise floor. I suppose it ultimately depends on your speakers. Mine are Devores, rated 91db, 8-ohm. Devores are easy to drive, but still, 12 watts is not a lot. A higher gain setting is not a great substitute for actual power and I've read that the low 90s db is as low as you want to go with these E3/E2 models. 


Showing 2 responses by soix

Great amp.  I’d find a way to try an active pre before making a final decision. 

think I may have to move to a highly efficient speaker.

I’m not sure that’s the case depending on how loud you listen, room size, and the type of music you listen to. Valvet states their amps are quite capable of driving many speakers despite their low stated power output, so I’d definitely ask Valvet what they think. My guess is you may be surprised how well the E3 can drive your DeVores and that the combo will sound absolutely sublime, but that’s just a semi-educated guess FWIW.