Valvet with DAC for volume

I've begun looking at the Valvet E3, Have people had good luck using a DAC for volume control? Or a passive pre? The E3 has 21db gain. You can special order a higher gain up to 30db, though each step will raise the noise floor. I suppose it ultimately depends on your speakers. Mine are Devores, rated 91db, 8-ohm. Devores are easy to drive, but still, 12 watts is not a lot. A higher gain setting is not a great substitute for actual power and I've read that the low 90s db is as low as you want to go with these E3/E2 models. 


Showing 2 responses by riaa_award_collectors_on_facebook

My friend uses the Valvet E3 with his Fleetwood Deville's.  Not sure which Pre-Amp he's using. He Loves the combo whatever it is. You can send him a message JOEINID.

You can also reach out to Albert at High End Electronics in California. He is the USA distributor/dealer for Valvet