Valve phono or valve linestage?

Which do you consider more influential in the creation of the purist 'valve' pluses such as....transparency, harmonic richness, three dimensional realism and soundstage?
I lived with a top valve preamp (which included a phono section) for 25 years.
The last 5 years I've had a top SS preamp (including phono section) but have recently re-installed the 'old' valve preamp and can hear the differences.
What I don't know is......which stage is providing the greatest contribution?

Showing 1 response by atmasphere

which stage is providing the greatest contribution?

Both of them :) However, if you loose detail and musicality upstream, there is nothing you can do to recover it downstream. OTOH if your line stage is not up the task, no amount of a detailed and musical signal will help. You gotta go all-tube.