using non-hdmi home theater system with blue ray

I have a nice McIntosh multi-channel receiver and amp setup, but it is not HDMI ready. Can I simply use it for the audio portion of my home theater and run the HDMI directly from the blue ray player to my tv? Picture from blue ray; sound from McIntosh. Any problems with that configuration?

thanks in advance,

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Showing 5 responses by chadnliz

Many need public to buy into it for sales. Lets say at 4ft it is true, how many watch true 1080p material and then sit 4ft away? Answer is pretty ckear.
You wont notice any benefit or degradation in quality by going or not going through a processor. If your monitor is under 60 or even 80in 1080p wont matter anyway so you could just go 720p via comp video cables. You will miss the at times benefit if latest audio formats but again thats no deal breaker.
Not true at 32in but its not worth a lengthy debate. For what its worth there is little point to buy 1080 at sizes under 58in while its still at a somewhat premium but this is tail end of that era.
I have a 1080p Sony LcOS projector, I got rid of the 720p 3 yrs ago and have 100in screen now. I got the new one just because it fell in my lap and was too good to pass up, the 720 was just fine.